Home ยป 10 Awesome Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter

10 Awesome Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter

Are you looking for awesome ways to reduce your energy bill this winter

With the colder winter months inching closer, many households may start to see higher energy bills. It can be pricey to keep your home warm and cozy during the cooler months of winter. But, colder weather doesn’t have to mean high energy bills. Fortunately, there are a lot of simple ways that you can lower your energy bill this season. Here are 10 ways to reduce your energy bill this winter.


Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter


10 Awesome Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter


1. Turn your thermostat down by one degree

A programmable thermostat allows you to set the temperature of your home and make sure it isn’t running when it doesn’t need to be. You can save money just by setting the temperature one degree lower in the winter. When you’re away, set your thermostat to lower the heat to help you save on your energy bill.


2. Ways to reduce your energy bill this winter – Cover up and seal any gaps 

Gaps and cracks in your home can cause a loss of energy and have you spending more money on your heating than you must. Check your home for any gaps and cracks where air can escape. Use caulk or weatherstripping around doors and window frames. You can often find gaps where pipes enter your home and make sure your walls are insulated.


3. Use hot water bottles & microwave wheat bags

Using a hot water bottle or microwavable wheat bag is a great way to stay warm in your home on a budget. Microwave wheat bags keep you comfortable and warm wherever you are in your home. Take our the wheat bag from the cover and place it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Let the bag cool for 30 seconds, replace the cover, and get cozy!


Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter


4. Wear a neck warmer

Another easy way to stay warm in your home is to wear a neck warmer. Feeling cool on your neck can make you tense and make the rest of your body feel cold too. Microwavable neck warmers are made of soft cotton fabric and keep you warm and cozy during the winter. Place the neck warmer into the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Put it over your neck and shoulders and tuck it into your jumper for extra comfort.


5. Open your blinds – simple ways to reduce your energy bill this winter

Let some sunshine into your home by opening up your shades or blinds during the day. This can help warm your space, especially if you have southern exposure through your windows. At night, make sure to close your blinds or shades to trap in the heat you gained from the day.


6. Keep your feet warm

One of the first places you’ll start feeling cold when the temperature drops is in your hands and feet. When your feet are cold they constrict the blood vessels, which causes less blood to circulate. Wearing comfortable socks or slippers before bed not only keeps you warm, but has been shown in studies to help you sleep better as well. Foot warmers are a great way to keep you warm throughout the winter.

Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter

7. Stay cozy with a good blanket

Instead of turning up the heat when you feel cold at home, cozy up with a blanket and throw to stay warm and keep your energy bill low. When you’re on the couch watching TV, cover up with an insulating throw to keep your body heat in. At nighttime, layer up with a duvet and blankets to avoid getting cold. Handmade luxury bed throws are the perfect addition to your home and will keep you cozy and warm all winter long!


8. Wash your clothes at a cooler temperature

Did you know that warm water consumes 90% of the energy used to operate a washing machine? This means that by washing your clothes in colder water, you can save on your energy bill with every wash. Unless you have large stains on your clothes, using cold water with quality detergents can help you save big on your energy bill this winter.


9. Use an oil diffuser

The same way that high humidity makes the air feel hotter, dry air makes the cold feel colder. Dry air makes you feel colder and may be one of the reasons your home feels cold in the winter. Try using an ultrasonic essential oil diffusor in your home. This diffuser doubles as a humidifier by adding moisture to the air, while the essential oils work to relieve stress, alleviate anxiety, and help you sleep.


Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter

Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter


10. More Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter – Place rugs on your floors

Rugs can not only add a stylish element to your home, but they can help keep you reduce your energy bill in the winter by keeping you warm. Rugs add a layer of insulation that separates your feet from the cold floor. If you have hardwood floors or floors without carpet, rugs can be a simple option to help you keep your home warm in the colder months.


ways to reduce your energy bill


Final Thoughts on Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter

Staying at home in the winter months doesn’t have to mean sky-high energy bills. With these simple steps, you can stay warm and cosy at home while saving on your energy bill this winter.



Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Winter is a feature post 




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