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100 Writers Project & 100 Beautiful Books

100 writers project – and what makes this so very special.

I have a project for the next year or two and that is to read 100 books by 100 modern classic authors. For Christmas I received this box set.



100 writers project

100 Writers Project

It contains 100 black and white postcards of 100 modern classic authors all published by penguin. My challenge is to read a book by each author ( for far too long I have been existing on a diet of chick lit and magazines or Enid Blyton!)

I am currently reading ballad of the sad cafe by Carson Mccullers.

which I purchased for just a couple of pounds form Amazon in used very good condition. I have purchased many books used form Amazon and have never had any issues with the quality that i can think of. Buying the books this way rather than at full price, (which is generally about £7 is gong to save ma lot of money.

I anticipate the project will cost me £200-300 rather than £700 if I purchase only used copies. It’s also a great way of recycling.

I am hoping to get from my project a wider appreciation for modern literature and I also hope to ignite my love of reading which parenthood has somehow knocked askew.

My first degree was in American Literature at the University of Essex so I have come across some of the authors in the box before. However I shall read then again and maybe choose a new book form these authors. I am so excited about this project it feels like a beautiful gift to myself.


The start of my 100 writers project

I have already begun Ballad of  a sad cafe.

It’s descriptive really of a sequence of low key events rather than an action packed story but so well written it keeps you totally engaged. The images are vivid and the characters keep popping in my mind even when I am not reading. The sign of a good book for sure.

I will write some reviews of my book as I go along..hopefully all 100! There is a lovely list here too with some top ideas


100 Writers Project


I am linking this post up to Magpie Monday where all things preloved are celebrated and showcased. Keepin’ it green!!! I hope you have enjoyed reading about my 100 writers project

 You might also like my post on 100 books to read before you die


  1. Liz Burton
    February 10, 2014 / 8:29 pm

    Oh what an amazing challenge to set yourself Becky!

    I really must do more reading, i miss my hour long commute to work – it was the only time I ever got to read!

    I agree about secondhand books too, I almost never buy new. If you sell them on again once you’ve read them, your challenge might not cost you a penny! x

  2. February 10, 2014 / 8:54 am

    When you told me about this I thought it was a fantastic idea. I would love to be able to read more. Maybe you could also read some on kindle, a really green idea 😀

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