Home » 3 ways to be beautifully organised

3 ways to be beautifully organised

Are you interested in reading about ways to be beautifully organised? 

This month I have discovered 3 lovely ways to be organised and I am excited to share them with you. The secret to organisation is to use systems that really work for you  and that are a pleasure to use. These 3 tick my boxes!


ways to be beautifully organised, gold filofax


My frugal blogging friend Cass Bailey is a woman who accomplishes so much and any organising advice she can pass my way I grab with both hands. This month I read a fabulous work life balance post by her that introduced me to Wunderlist.

Wunderlist is a to do list app that  is so simple  and intuitive it is a pleasure to lose. I can make a to do list on my phone and ping there it is on my computer. I can print it off categorise it and even see deleted item. Loving Wunderlist and it has truly helped me stay on top of things.


A Beautiful Pen

I am at heart a pen and paper girl. Beautiful pens are close to my heart  and handwriting is  something I lament as a lost art . I have lusted after this Tom Dixon Cube Pen for a while now. isn’t it gorgeous. I do believe if you carry a beautiful pen you are much MUCH more likely to whizz it out and make notes about important things.

tom dixon

Filofax – ways to be beautifully organised

My old trusty friend the Filofax pocket journal now comes in Saffiano Gold (£32) and I have a tablet case to match. The usefulness of a filofax is legendary and this fits beautifully in all my bags. I rather adore taking it out and using it too, it is SO pretty.



What ways to be beautifully organised do you have to share with me? Do p[lease drop me a comment

1 Comment

  1. Nhạc Ngủ
    May 28, 2016 / 9:28 am

    Really useful and I like this post. Thank you very much. nhac ru ngu

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