Home » 5 Brilliant Gifts For Yourself That Will Change Your Life

5 Brilliant Gifts For Yourself That Will Change Your Life

Have a milestone birthday, family event or special occasion coming up? Planning a holiday trip to visit friends or family? Right up on top of your To Do List is picking up suitable gifts for everyone, right down to grandma and the newborn baby. 

In the midst of the excitement and chaos, you’ve probably forgotten the most important person – Yourself! And as you wrap up those lovely, expensive, thoughtfully chosen items, you’re also slipping in those subtle feelings of envy and negativity. That’s because you wish you could have been the one receiving it. 


Why Do We Put Ourselves Last? Brilliant Gifts For Yourself That Will Change Your Life

You’re in a fine dining restaurant, idly people-watching. The waiter comes to the next table, bearing the soup of the day. He slips and there’s a crash of crockery and a big mess on the floor. Your first thought is, “Poor guy, what a sad thing to happen.” 

Now suppose you were that waiter. You’d blame yourself, beat yourself up over your clumsiness, feel ashamed, embarrassed and angry with yourself. 

Why are we so quick to be kind to others, but not to ourselves?

Trawling the gift section aisles, you must have seen scores of stuff that you’d love to buy for yourself. And grit your teeth and moved on, determined not to “waste time.” 

One big reason is that we expect others to take care of us. We think that if we give enough, we should get the same measure of care in return. This is especially true of close friendships and family ties. But we forget that human interactions are not like balancing the books – the debit and credit columns don’t always tally. 

Another issue is that when we indulge ourselves, there is guilt. We feel we’re being selfish and self-centered. 

You could have self-esteem issues, where you don’t feel that you’re worth being kind to. But relationships are all about two-way transactions, give and take. Unless you show people that you value yourself, it’s difficult for them to figure that out themselves. If you feel you don’t deserve kindness, you probably won’t get it. 

Some people are more comfortable giving than receiving and this could be about control. Accepting and appreciating something is an art in itself. 

Often we purchase a more expensive version of an item for someone else, but choose a cheap one for ourselves. We’re indirectly telling ourselves that this is “enough” for us, but not for another person. 


Gifts For Yourself That Will Change Your Life


Why Is Self Care Important?


  • Studies show that there is a deep connection between happiness, longevity and self care
  • Being compassionate and generous to yourself is a sign of good mental, physical and emotional health
  • It’s the fastest and most effective way to combat depression, stress and anxiety
  • Caring for yourself builds inner strength that helps you face future challenges
  • It helps you view your relationships more objectively and realistically
  • Self care makes you aware of your own strengths and weaknesses and helps you remove obstacles that stand in the way of success
  • It encourages you to learn from mistakes and be less judgmental about them
  • You discover things about yourself that you hadn’t known earlier


5 Life Changing Gifts To Yourself

Give yourself time to enjoy the whole experience. Self care gifts are not just about material things. They represent an entire philosophy. Take your time. If you want to combine your self-care gift with a special occasion, that’s even better. 


  1. Learn: Whatever your age, learning a new skill is something that will change your entire life. Sign up for language, music, painting, cooking, carpentry, silk-worm rearing classes or something you’ve always wished to do. Creative writing workshops, carpet weaving, pottery, jewelry making, quilting, karaoke. The list is endless. Learning stimulates different parts of your brain, good hormones are released, you get to meet new people and feel in the “Zone” more often. If you love adventure and physical activity, join a trekkers’ or rock-climbing group. 


  1. Hampers: Treat yourself to an exciting, treat-filled hamper from your favorite store, or online. Check out trusted leads such as the rest and digest website for more ideas. You could include deluxe items such as silk pillowcases, aromatherapy candles, analog clocks or specialty teas. They are fun, and you can pace the joy out over weeks and months if you choose a mix of stuff that can be used immediately and things that will keep. Adding a cozy robe is a great idea that you can store for chilly winter evenings, while chocolate will give you instant bliss. 


  1. Plants: If you love gardening, get yourself some exotic plants. They could be expensive and may need a lot of care, so choose wisely. Learn how to look after them and make sure that you give them the right environment. This is one of the most relaxing and rewarding ways in which you can pamper yourself, and surround yourself with fresh, growing life. Plants are one of nature’s best stress busters and as a plant lover, you know that people develop an emotional connect with them. In our use and throw world, plants represent a sustainable way of life, and give you hope for the future of our planet. They are also the most affordable way to decorate your home or office. They will make your environment calmer, more oxygen-rich and fill it with positive vibes. 


  1. Wellness or Beauty Treatments: They are your way of telling yourself that you deserve the best! Schedule a full day at a good quality spa and pamper yourself. Many spas offer healthy meals and snacks, so it’s a great way to eat right while you feel great. The rewards are plenty – you emerge looking like a million bucks, your body completely relaxed after massages, facials, manicure and pedicure. A great haircut provides the glamor quotient. Argan oil facials make your skin glow, a customized hair spa ensures that your crowning glory shines with health. Don’t wait for a special occasion to treat yourself. If you’d like to space out the treatments and break up the pampering into smaller chunks, that’s a good option too. If you don’t have enough time, pick up good quality products and have a pampering session all by yourself in the privacy of your home. 


  1.  Journals: Diaries and journals are one of the most important gifts you can give yourself. It’s a habit that you can cultivate over a life-time. Journaling has gone through many iterations and the current trend of Bullet Journaling or BoJo is all the rage. It’s a way to record and be a witness to your own life, in a mindful and more in-depth way. Get an attractive journal and keep it next to your bedside so you can write or doodle whenever you feel like. 


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