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Healthy living choices (that will also save you money)

Today – Healthy living choices that will also save you money

When people think about making healthy choices they often worry about the expense. These expenses could involve funding a special diet, buying a fancy new juicer, paying for a gym membership and workout gear, perhaps a new bike?

Healthy living choices do not ever have to be expensive they can, in fact, be super simple and even money-saving! You just have to absolutely know where to put your focus then repeat, repeat, repeat until your choices become really good habits.

You will be so very grateful to have established these habits as you feel yourself get stronger and healthier day by day.

Here are 5 of my favourite healthy living choices that can also save you money.


healthy living choices


Simple healthy living choices that will also save you money

1. Water

Water out of the tap is completely free and so good for you. You really do not have to buy endless plastic bottles – so bad for the environment anyhow. A glass of water and a refillable bottle is really all you need. Drinking plenty of water is good for your brain, your organs, your weight and your skin. And yay! it is free.

There really is nothing more simple to make the changes you need to your life than to add in a few more glasses of water each day


healthy living choices

2. Simple healthy living choices have to include walking

Oh, how I love to walk, it saves you money on travel and it is such a great gentle workout. Not only is it really good for your physical health but it gives you pace to think things through and can be wonderful mindfulness allowing you to be present and alert to your experiences


3. Giving up smoking

Oh, it can be so hard to stop an addictive habit can’t it but blimey smoking is SUCH an unhealthy and expensive one. The benefits to giving up are massive. There are quite a few alternatives to tobacco as explained by Zamnesia that are all-natural too.

You could go cold turkey or you could try vaping?

Vape batteries from Grey Haze will set you back far less than cigarettes.


4. Exercise classes make great healthy living choices  

YouTube is your friend for this one or how about a  DVD form a car boot sale or charity shop.  You save on travel too by not having to leave your home!


5. Sports clothes

Who cares about labels? As long as your sports clothes are breathable and comfortable then you are good to go. Don’t get caught up on brands – it will save you a  small fortune! Just grab your trainers and get some stretchy comfy clothes at the ready.  preferable in advance so you have no excuse. This is one of the simplest healthy living choices but oh it does really work.

Trying to find what you need allows you to procrastinate and change your mind. having prepped your sportswear enable s you to just get on with it.


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Simple healthy living choices that will also save you money is a collaborative post – you might also find my post on how to reduce living costs during lockdown useful

Do you have any Healthy living choices that will also save you money to share with me? if you do please do drop me a comment below. I always love to hear from you and have you share your ideas

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