Home ยป 5 Simple Swaps for a Plastic-Free Bathroom

5 Simple Swaps for a Plastic-Free Bathroom

swaps for a plastic-free bathroom


plastic-free bathroom

swaps for a plastic free bathroom


Swaps for a plastic-free bathroom

I have to say I do think bathrooms are my favourite toom in the house. Have a look here at my post on the history of the bathtub for full evidence of this!


Do you aspire to a plastic-free bathroom?

I absolutley aim for a plastic-free bathroom. I know it is the way forward and really important. I was just in a bit of a pickle about it all. I’ve been learning all about it though and I am excited to share some simple tips with you.


The problem with plastic

We know we have to act on the damage to our environment and make significant changes to the way we live.  We all know that plastic is a major problem but clarity on why its a problem seems to be missing.

In simple terms

The problem with plastic is that most of it isn’t biodegradable. It doesn’t rot, like paper or food, so instead it can hang around in the environment for hundreds of years.

Each year, 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced and 40% of that is single-use – plastic we’ll only use once before it’s binned. (BBC)


 We need to get a handle on our plastic use. More than eight million tonnes of plastic ends up in the world’s oceans each year.


Experts think that by 2050, the amount of plastic in the ocean will weigh more than the amount of fish in the ocean.

Each year, 100,000 animals in the sea are killed by plastic.


Isn ‘t that just shocking?

We need to make sure we are not part of the problem and that we ARE part of the solution


How to achieve a plastic-free bathroom

When you think of reducing the use of plastic in the home are thoughts usually focussed on the kitchen. The bathroom, however, can be a hive of single-use plastic from shampoo bottle to shower gels and we really do need to look at addressing this.

Oh, it can be so hard to know where to stay though can’t it?

Kempii is a wonderful website if you are looking for inspiration to ditch the plastic in your bathroom and make swaps for a plastic-free bathroom



Swaps for a plastic-free bathroom? Replace your regular hair conditioner with a conditioner bar

The lavender conditioner bar comes in minimal packaging, without any other container and produces almost no waste and at just £7 it lasts for almost 3 months. That is pretty impressive!


swaps for a plastic-free bathroom

swaps for a plastic-free bathroom


Use natural deodorant rather than a spray or stick deodorant for a plastic-free bathroom

Awake Organic’s Moon Goo Natural Deodorant is produced entirely plastic and aluminium free. It has a pleasant lavender and rosemary scent and is certified cruelty free without a plastic ocean damaging bottle in sight.


Replace disposable razors for safety razors – swaps for a plastic-free bathroom

An initial investment in a safety razor is worth every penny. You get a really close shave and extra blades are really inexpensive. You soon make your money back and your disposables are not easily recyclable so best avoided!


Replace shaving foam with a shaving soap bar – simple swaps for a plastic-free bathroom

Replacing shaving foam creams with a simple soap bar is both straightforward and inexpensive. Shaving cream comes in plastic bottles that are non-recyclable and this soap bar doesn’t. A super simple swap.

swaps for a plastic-free bathroom


Replace your plastic toothbrush with a bamboo toothbrush in your plastic-free bathroom

Again a really simple and inexpensive switch  Shockingly in excess of  3.6 billion plastic toothbrushes each year are consumed most of which ends up in our landfill bamboo toothbrushes will naturally biodegrade, unlike plastic. As the fastest growing plant on earth, bamboo is also a sustainable material. And it costs less than £5. Wow.


swaps for a plastic-free bathroom


Simple inexpensive swaps can make such a difference and take you closer to a plastic-free bathroom. Do explore the Kempii website for many more ideas on how you can move towards living plastic-free.


10% of kempii profits go to wasteaid uk – a really unusual charity

1 in 3 people globally do not have a waste management service and have to burn or dump their waste, causing many serious health problems and polluting the environment.

WasteAid UK work in developing countries across Africa to help people turn their waste into useful products. 

With Kempii, reducing your own waste footprint can help others do the same!


plastic-free bathroom #plastic-free #eco-bathroom #bathroomdecor #sustainablehome

I hope these simple swaps will inspire you on your quest for a plastic-free bathroom


It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can do only a little. Do what you can.- Sydney Smith


Why not also have a look at my post on  unique shower designs and  how zero-waste products can save you money

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