Home » Vogue’s 73 Questions with Becky Goddard-Hill

Vogue’s 73 Questions with Becky Goddard-Hill

Vogue’s 73 Questions with Becky Goddard-Hill

Vogue asked celebrities 73 questions and get like a billion hits on YouTube.

I don’t think that’s QUITE what is going to happen here but I do think it’s a great way to share a little bit more about myself.

I came across Vogue’s 73 Questions being answered by the lovely blogger Carolin at Mummy Alarm and just loved hearing her answers. As most bloggers do I love a good meme, am very nosy and have so many questions I want answering .

What a great read. I so wanted to do this for myself so I shamelessly asked her to tag me and away I went.


Becky Goddard


But I vlogged it instead because tbh that would have been a rather huge amount of writing wouldn’t it!


Becky Goddard-Hill – You Tube



Here are Vogue’s 73 questions:

1. What’s your favourite movie?


2. Favourite movie in the past five years?

3. Favourite Hitchcock film?

4. A book you plan on reading?


5. A book that you read in school that positively shaped you?

6. Favourite TV show that’s currently on?

7. On a scale of one to ten, how excited are you about life right now?

8. iPhone or Android?

9. Twitter or Instagram?

10. Who should EVERYONE be following right now? I forgot to answer this and I would definitely say Cass at Diary of a Frugal Family (fab budgeting advice) and Chris at Thinly Spread (great veggie recipes)

11. What’s your favourite food?


12. Least favourite food?

13. What do you love on your pizza?

14. Favourite drink?


15. Favourite dessert?

16. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?

17. Coffee or tea?

18. What’s the hardest part about being a mum?

19. What’s your favourite band?

20. Favourite solo artist?

21. Favourite song?

22. If you could sing a duet with anyone, who would it be?

23. If you could master one instrument, what would it be?


24. If you had a tattoo, where would it be?

25. To be or not to be?

26. Dogs or cats?

27. Bird-watching or whale-watching?

28. Best gift you’ve ever received?

29. Best gift you’ve ever given?

30. Last gift you gave a friend?

31. What’s your favourite board game?

32. What’s your favourite country to visit?

33. What’s the last country you visited?

34. What country do you wish to visit?

35. What’s your favourite colour?

36. Least favourite colour?

37. Diamonds or pearls?

38. Heels or flats?

39. Pilates or yoga?

40. Jogging or swimming?

41. Best way to de-stress?


42. If you had one superpower, what would it be?

43. What’s the weirdest word in the English language?

44. What’s your favourite flower?


45. When was the last time you cried?

46. Do you like your handwriting?

47. Do you bake?

lemon cho

48. What is your least favourite thing about yourself?

49. What is your most favourite thing about yourself?

50. Who do you miss most?

51. What are you listening to right now?

52. Favourite smell?

53. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

54. Who was the last person you sent a text to?

55. A sport you wish you could play?

56. Hair colour?

57. Eye colour?

58. Scary film or happy endings?

59. Favourite season?

60. Three people alive or dead that you would like to have dinner with?

red hair day

61. Hugs or kisses?

62. Rolling Stones or the Beatles?

63. Where were you born?

64. What is the farthest you have been from home?

65. Sweet or savoury?

66. Lipstick or lip gloss?

67. What book have you read again and again?

68. Favourite bedtime story?

69. What would be the title of your autobiography?

70. Favourite sound?

71. Favourite animal?

72. Who is your girl crush?

73. Last photograph you took?


I’m going to tag a couple of people I’d think might like to  join in with this,

Jane (Maflingo)

Sally (Who’s the Mummy)

Emma (Emma and 3)

 Sonia (This mummy loves)
I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to  my answers in Vogue’s 73 Questions with Becky Goddard-Hill what would yours be?
You might also like my post on where I write

1 Comment

  1. Jane Taylor
    October 10, 2016 / 8:06 am

    Thanks for tagging me, Becky!
    You’re a tough act to follow and we have some answers in common too! I’m delighted I’ve found a fellow country music fan!

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