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Best Ways to Deal with Stress – 8 Awesome Ideas

Best Ways to Deal with Stress – lets take a look 

Stress has become a physical and mental problem as we try to manage our lives every day.  If you don’t deal with it in a healthy way then only bad things tend to happen. Diet and exercise will make us physically healthier, but our minds need help too.

Here are the best ways to deal with stress.


best ways to deal with stress, becky goddard-hill

Best Ways to Deal with Stress

8 best ways to deal with stress

Lets take a little look at the very best ways to deal with stress


Try to accept what you can’t control.

How good are you at this? I find this super hard and it takes a lot of work for me to do this. I have to do it consciously,

It can be difficult to let go of uncontrollable circumstances but do your best to accept things as they are and focus on only dealing with what YOU have to every day. This will be empowering and as for the rest. sometimes we just have to let it go and trust the universe will unfold as it should.


Exercise daily one of the best ways to deal with stress

When did you last work out?

It’s important to not only be healthier by doing some sort of exercise each day that you can.  It’s not only good for your physical self but for your mental health too. Try it and you will see just a tiny bit of exercise on a regular basis can hugely impact your overall mood and stress coping skills.

Best Ways to Deal with Stress

Relax and refuel.

Busy busy busy. It isn’t good for us to always be so busy.

This may be a hard one if you are super busy all day, but to keep stress levels low, take time for yourself and relax and sit and have a healthy snack.  This allows you to recharge for the rest of the day. One of my most favourite ways to do this is to read or watch a movie. It takes my mind to another place and away from my worries


Figure out the reason for the stress is one of the best ways to deal with stress 

Become a stress detective. You have to find out what is causing the stress in your life so that you can figure out a solution too.  It can be anything from relationship, money, and work. Once you know what it is trying to do something about it to rid yourself of that stressor.


best ways to deal with stress

Best Ways to Deal with Stress


Do something you love to do.

How of ten do you do something you love to do? Take some time and sit down and think or write out all the things that you love to do and that bring you joy.  Start with one and each day pick something to do to make you happier. It could be taking a cooking class, finding a good book to read, or simply a restful nap.


Talk it out – always one of the best ways to deal with stress

Most times just a good, long chat with a friend can make a world of difference on a stressful day.  Pick up the phone or meet up with someone you can talk to and get some things off your chest and out of your mind. It can really help juts to articulate how you feel, or your worries or possible options and juts in itself articulation can bring relief.

best ways to deal with stress


Best Ways to Deal with Stress include Setting some Goals

Do you regularly set goals? It is easy to set some goals for your life, but following through with them can be hard.  Try making some small goals and be realistic about them. It could be something as simple as organizing your closet or something like going back to school for your degree.  Always start small and don’t forget to reward yourself! Any progress will help you feel less stressed and more in control so teeny tiny steps towards your goal will all have their worth.



Ah it sounds so simple doesn’t it but so many of us forget to breathe well.

You will be amazed at how some easy breathing exercises can help you relax and refocus on your day.  Sure, you can breathe in and out deeply or you can try my favourite with is the 4-5-7 technique. Breathe in for 4 seconds, breathe out for 5 seconds, and then back in for 7 seconds. Ahhhhh. Nothing beats fresh air for a really good breath. An instant calmer. One of the best ways to deal with stress.



the Best Ways to Deal with Stress

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I hope you have enjoyed my post on the Best Ways to Deal with Stress and that you have found it helpful. If you know any ideas I haven’t covered here I would love you to share your Best Ways to Deal with Stress here so please do leave me a comment below. You can also take a look at the NHS tips on the best ways to deal with stress


More health and wellbeing

You can find more of my health and wellbeing writing here in the archives of A beautiful space. I think you might particularly like my post on things you can do today to improve your wellbeing


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