Home » 8 Best Ways to Practice Self-Care on a Bad Day

8 Best Ways to Practice Self-Care on a Bad Day

We’ve all had those days where we just don’t feel like ourselves. Life seems to be falling apart and we just can’t stop feeling negative about every little thing. Chin up, buttercup, because we’re here to help you through this by offering 8 ways to practice self-care on a bad day.

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Ways to Practice Self-Care on a Bad Day

There are so many things you CAN do to show yourself self-kindness and self-compassion.


Spend Time Outside

Getting outside and breathing the fresh air with the sun on your face is a great way to make you feel more peaceful by being connected to nature when you’re having a bad day. Research shows that spending time in nature can elevate your mood in as little as 15 minutes!


Self-Care on a Bad Day


Listen to an Awesome Playlist

Music is sometimes the best way to get through a bad day. If you have a favorite playlist of yours, find a relaxing spot in your home or outside and let the music take you away.


Practice Positive Affirmations

When we have a bad day, our minds are often fixated on the negative. That’s why practicing reciting positive affirmations is a simple but effective way to feel lighter, happier, and more at ease when you’re experiencing a rough day.


Try Meditation  – Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care on a Bad Day

Practicing meditation helps to ease anxiety and stress, and that’s what makes it an excellent self-care method when you’re having a bad day. Listening to a guided mindfulness meditation or practicing mindful breathing meditation techniques can calm your racing mind and heart the next time you’re feeling down.


Reach Out to a Loved One

Sometimes, all it takes is talking about how you’re feeling with a loved one to make you feel better when you’re in the midst of a bad day. Instead of holding your negative feelings in, consider reaching out to someone you love and trust to externally process what you’re experiencing.


Write It Out

Journaling is an effective way to organize our thoughts, which are often all over the place when we’re having a bad day. When you journal, you’re putting your feelings and thoughts on paper, which helps you to better process and understand them.


Ways to Practice Self-Care on a Bad Day – Read a Favorite Book

Reading one of your favorite books is sure to put you in a better mood if you’re feeling down in the dumps. Reading can take your mind off worrying or ruminating about negative things by allowing you to step inside the world of someone else.


Treat Yourself to Your Favorite Meal

If you’re having a bad day, consider treating yourself to a favorite meal of yours. You should take care of yourself when you aren’t feeling your best, and something as simple as gifting yourself with your favorite snack or meal can pull you out of a negative slump.


Ways to Practice Self-Care on a Bad Day are straightforward you just need to set the in motion.

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