Home » A Very Special Shelfie

A Very Special Shelfie

A Very Special Shelfie

The shelf above my fireplace is a very special place. Would you like a look around?

My treasures are on my shelf so I see them all the time. They are things I want to look at it and be reminded of not hidden away. So perhaps not too stylish, but really ever so special.



The ‘all you need is love’ box you can see above reminds me that nothing else is so important (and its a place where lost buttons, cub badges and bits and bobs go!) The Lego bird is my son’s latest creation and he insisted it went on display..and rightly so!




I always keep flowers and an angel next to a photo of my mum smiling out of respect and joy at her memory.




I love my little Polaroid camera and the tulips I grew from bulbs this year. I figure you should always have flowers on your shelf (even if in photo form!)




Here I have a photo of my lovely dad  with his own angel too. A photo of my children and their cousins on a happy wedding day makes me smile every day. I have on display my much loved Mad Blog Award trophy and a well done crystal bought  for me by my mum when I achieved one of my dreams.

Isn’t it truly a very special shelf.

I love it.

Oh and I must tell you……..


Victoria Plumb have a Great British Home quiz going on where you  can ‘sleb up their own Shelfies – and win £250 in the process! What a fabulous prize. Apparently my style is most like Joey Essex (hmm?!) glam and photo ready! You must come back and tell me what yours is!


Victoria Plumb Competition

This is my entry into the Tots 100/ Victoria Plumb Shelfie Competition


  1. Mai Cua
    March 20, 2017 / 7:26 am

    A Very Special Shelfie keep many memories

  2. June 13, 2014 / 6:22 pm

    What a lovely shelfie! Such a special collection of loveliness #loveyourhome

  3. June 11, 2014 / 9:27 pm

    It looks like a lovely shelf, full of special memories. I do like your idea that photos of flowers are an acceptable alternative to real flowers – that would give me much more chance of always having a vase of flowers on my shelves! #loveyourhome

  4. June 10, 2014 / 7:15 am

    Thank you for sharing your shelf and the competition details 🙂 #loveyourhome

  5. Jenny
    June 9, 2014 / 12:40 pm

    Sounds like a very special shelf indeed and of course looks it too. What a lovely place to look onto…. #loveyourhome

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