Today lets take a look at Activities That Could Help You Keep Boredom at Bay While You Are Stuck in Your Home
Activities That Could Help You Keep Boredom at Bay While You Are Stuck in Your Home
Although the internet seems to be a source of endless fun, if you have spent 2 months in your home, you might be thinking that there is no way that you could find something that could keep you entertained. You’ve watched every comedy on Netflix, tried recording a song using shady-looking software, and even tried graphic design, and it seems now that there is nothing stopping boredom from claiming you.
We know how it is – regardless of whether you are a naturally energetic person or if you aren’t really fond of human contact, staying in one place for a longer period of time is simply not in our nature. However, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a sad reality for many of us. That’s why we have prepared a list of things that you should try out in your home to keep boredom at bay. Let’s go!
Try to Make Some Money on the Side
If there is no excitement left in your life, you could attempt to fix this situation by purchasing the lotto tickets. If you haven’t ever considered yourself a gambler, then there’s no need to change that – the National Lottery tickets cost only £2, so it doesn’t really count. However, it doesn’t mean that it is impossible for you to win big. Sure, the chances of that happening aren’t that great, but nothing is impossible.
However, if you would like to play online slots instead, which we think is a pretty good idea given the fact that we should limit contact with other people during the COVID-19 pandemic, you might have trouble finding a reliable website. If that’s the case, we recommend checking out the newest bitcoin slots website, where you can find trustworthy places.
Discover Incredible Music
It is certainly true that both the Youtube and Spotify algorithms are now pretty amazing, and their suggestions are often surprisingly great. However, you could also take another approach, and find music with the help of the Rate Your Music website. You can use it to find entire discographies of most bands that have gained at least a little bit of popularity at one point in time, but you could do that on the previously mentioned platforms as well.
However, RYM is especially a great place if you are looking for a specific type of music, thanks to their advanced system of tags. Apart from genres that characterize a specific album, in the “Descriptors” section, you can find such elements, as e.g., abstract, pessimistic, minimalistic, mysterious, autumn, to name just a few. This way, even before playing a note from an album you’ll have a general sense of what the music is like.
However, that’s not all – the user reviews are often in-depth, which is much different from the comments that you can find e.g., on Youtube. Admittedly, the user base of RYM could be described as a bit elitist, but nonetheless, it is an excellent place to expand your musical horizons.
Role-playing Games
If you lack human contact, you might discover that video chat platforms are not going to cut it. However, if you would like to interact with others while also having fun, we recommend joining role-playing groups and playing with others over the internet.
Depending on the world of your choice, you might become a fearless orc who is trying to seek revenge on those who have wronged him in the past, an inquisitor who is trying to protect the Mankind from Xenos, or maybe a dwarf mercenary who is interested in one thing only: gold.
The amount of fun that you’ll have will largely depend on other players, their creativity, and the ability to cooperate without focusing on themselves too much. What if you aren’t really into fantasy worlds? Well, then you could role-play as spy agents trying to find a Soviet mole or gangsters from the 1930s trying to escape after a bank robbery. There’s something for everyone!
If you’ve been stuck in your home for several weeks or months, finding an activity that would keep you interested, if only for a bit, might become progressively more difficult. That’s because when we are bored for long periods of time, our minds become less creative.
However, it doesn’t mean that your situation is completely hopeless. We hope that after reading this article, your stay in home will be at least a little bit more pleasant.
Activities That Could Help You Keep Boredom at Bay While You Are Stuck in Your Home is a feature post