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Add Some Sparkle to Your Living Room

How to Add Some Sparkle to Your Living Room

If you want to add some sparkle to your living room but aren’t sure how to do it then the answer might not as difficult to find as you think. The following are some tips which will let you make the room a lot more attractive quickly and fairly easily.

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Add a Piece of Art

Adding a piece of art is an incredibly easy way to improve the look of a living room, yet many people never think of doing this. Perhaps they think that it is going to be too expensive or else they don’t trust their own taste in this matter. The truth is that anyone can choose a great piece of art if they put their mind to it. The first step is to consider the basics of what you want. How big should it be to become a feature without being too overwhelming? What colours and themes do you want to see on it? After this, it is a good idea to spend time looking at as many different pieces of art as possible, to get a feel for what you like and what you don’t. If you still don’t feel confident about making a final choice then you could go online and check out some additional tips to help you narrow down your options.  

Make Your Fire a Feature 

One of the smartest ways to add a bit of life to your living room is to turn a functional item into a feature that is fantastic to look at. In this case, one of the easiest things to do is to make your fire into a stunning feature. There are some wonderfully creative styles of fire around these days that can enhance any room. If you want to see what some of the top models are like then you could click here to get started. Once you see what the most exciting current models of fire look like you will realise that yours doesn’t have to be dull and functional anymore.

Add a Home Cinema System

What many householders really dream of is turning their living room into a giant home cinema space. If this is what you want then what is stopping you? Right now, it is more affordable than ever before to buy a giant TV and add a home cinema system to it. It is easy to set up modern home cinema equipment as well, with some of the best systems being wireless. The quality of images and sound now on offer from the best equipment means that you can enjoy a true cinema experience at home at last. In fact, if you want to go the whole way then there are many accessories such as cinema posters and seats on sale online. If that sounds like a step too far for you then maybe you would be happy just buying a popcorn making machine for the finishing touch.

Unify the Look

A problem many homeowners come across these days is that they end up with a look that is a mish-mash of different style and colours. This can easily happen if you gradually add furniture over time without stopping to consider the overall feel of the room. Try taking a step back and seeing whether the room has a unified look or whether it is a collection of separate elements that just don’t go well together. If it seems as though you have made the room too eclectic then it is time to unify the look. The best place to start is by picking one standout feature and building the room around it. This might mean buying some new pieces of furniture or accessories but with a bit of luck you will find places to put the old pieces in another part of the house anyway. 

Let More Light In

If you just can’t work out what your living room is missing then maybe you need to do something really simple, like let in more light. This is a very basic but effective way of improving the look of any room. If you have tried everything else and still aren’t satisfied then maybe you need to try this, to see whether the extra light finally lets you see the room the way you want to.  

add sparkle to your living room


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1 Comment

  1. Chichi Furniture
    June 12, 2014 / 8:31 am

    Hello, I totally agree with this post, adding a wow factor to a room doesn’t have to be hard. Definitely agree about choosing a main feature, maybe a strong visual piece of furniture and not necessarily matching everything, but linking it together with a common theme like colour. Adding a large mirror above a fire place can look fantastic and tick the box of adding more light. Make sure the room isn’t cluttered but has good storage and isn’t ‘over’ furnished.

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