Home » 5 Best Autumn Crafts Ideas for Kids

5 Best Autumn Crafts Ideas for Kids

Are you looking for autumn craft ideas for kids?

Autumn has begun again, and the kids are feeling restless. The new school year just started, and your little ones are just getting back into the daily routine after a long summer. Although school is a big part of autumn, the season is not just about going back to the books. Autumn is the wonderful time of year when the leaves turn bright yellow and orange, the weather begins to cool down, and the pumpkins are sitting out on your neighbor’s porch.


Autumn Crafts Ideas for Kids

My new book A Year of Nature Craft and Play follows the seasons and is stuffed fall of lovely Autumn crafts ideas, play ideas science idea and art projects. Do take a look if you are after more inspiration.



Autumn Crafts Ideas for Kids



Autumn Crafts Ideas are for the whole family 

Autumn is one of the best times for kids to get creative with crafts, as they will be spending more time indoors and will need fun activities to occupy them after school. Crafts don’t have to be just for children, either.

Adults can join in on the fun too, and it creates perfect bonding opportunities for you and your children. There are numerous different kinds of autumn crafts that kids and parents can make, and the possibilities are endless.

If you are looking for inspiration for your autumn craft ideas, just look out the window. With all of the pumpkins, leaves, and vibrant colors, you are sure to be inspired in no time.


Apple Printing

Autumn is a great time to pick up fallen apples and use them for crafting. Sliced and dipped in the brown s yellows reds and oranges of Autumn they make fo awonderful and easy to hold stamper.




Simple draw on the stalks after.

I love a simple printing craft and apples make the most perfect material. This also looks great on brown paper to make fun wrapping paper.



Colorful Autumn Leaf Placemats – Lovely Autumn Crafts Ideas for Kids

All that is needed for this simple project is a few real leaves from outside and some clear contact paper. Kids will have more fun if they go outside and collect the leaves themselves, finding a wide variety of different shapes and sizes to use. If real leaves are not readily available near your home, you can cut out paper leaves with red, orange, brown, and yellow construction paper.

Also, if the leaves your children collect are not colorful enough, you can paint over them with acrylic paint or just lightly brush them with watercolor paints.


Autumn Crafts Ideas for Kids


After the leaves have been collected, cut out two pieces of contact paper that are approximately two feet long. Gently remove the backing from only one piece, and place the leaves on the sticky surface. There is no right way to do this, and kids can get as creative as they like. When done creating the design, remove the backing from the 2nd piece of contact paper and join it with the other. Make sure the two pieces are tightly sealed.

As a finishing touch, kids can trim around the edges of their new placemats with pinking shears, or just leave them the way they are. These mats can make a great addition to your table, and are fun for kids to create as well.



An Autumn Display

Gathering in treasures of autumn and making a display bowl is always an absolutely lovely thing to do and get kids out walking too. 


Autumn Crafts Ideas for Kids


Autumn Corn Collage

This unique craft is simple and fun for kids to make on a chilly autumn afternoon. All that is needed is green and yellow construction paper, unpopped popcorn, and glue.

To create the corn cob, cut out an oval shape from the yellow construction paper. Using the green paper, cut out two large green leaves. Cover the yellow oval shape with glue, and apply a generous amount of unpopped popcorn to the area. After the glue has completely dried, glue the green leaves onto the side of the cob and wrap the leaves around it.


Autumn Crafts Ideas for Kids – Make a pine cone bird feeder 

Making a pinecone bird feeder is lots of fun and we don’t use lard in our house as we are all veggies  so we go to town on the peanut butter. 



All you will need is 

  • String
  • Pinecones
  • peanut butter
  • bird seed


Method for pine cone bird feeder

Tie string around  the pinecone ready for hanging, 

Spread the peanut  butter onto your pinecone then cover it in the seed

Hang it up on a branch and wait! 


Mixed Media Autumn Collage

Perhaps one of the most original crafts, a mixed media collage made with autumn pieces is a fun and expressive way to get creative. Children can use images collected from magazines, shapes cut out from paper, colorful stickers, leaves from outside, and much more. The possibilities are endless with this fun autumn craft.

Let your child go wild and gather different items and images to use for her collage. The more your child can gather, the better. The pieces do not have to match or be from the same source, as this is a mixed media project and the point is to have a variety. After everything is gathered, simply glue all the images and pieces onto a large piece of construction paper in whatever fashion you desire.

When the project is finished and the glue has dried, you may varnish the collage with an acrylic gel medium to achieve a glossy look. To make the project even more flashy, you can mix gold, red, or orange glitter into the gel shellac.



Autumn Crafts Ideas for Kids – over to you 

Autumn Crafts Ideas for Kids are a wonderful way to keep kids busy , creative and active. Do you have any to share with me? if so I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas simply drop me a comment below 

Read more about crafts and fun activities with kids on this educational expert’s blog for parents.


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