Cass Bailey is one of my absolutely favourite bloggy friends. She is very humble but she is indeed a wonderful writer, full of creativity and ideas with a lovely way of conveying her huge warmth and positivity. She clearly adores her family and writes beautifully about their many wonderful adventures together.
Cass blogs at Diary of a Frugal Family which has quietly been at the top the blogging charts for many years now. She mainly writes about how to have an amazing family life on a budget and her ideas are both accessible and achievable. Cass is without doubt one of the most liked and respected bloggers I know and I am delighted she is here today!
Over to Cass to tell you about her most beautiful things….
The most beautiful day I ever had was more than likely a day our with the family as they’re the days that stick in my mind. I know I should really say when the kids were born but as amazing as those days were, I think the days I spend with them now are just as special. We go out a lot with the kids but every now and again, we have a day where everything just seems completely perfect and falls into place brilliantly.
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen was possibly my little Bichon Frise the day we chose him although it could quite possibly be the smile on the kids faces when they do something they didn’t think they could do – that always brings a lump to my throat!
The most beautiful thing I have ever owned was my Smeg fridge. It was so pretty and made me smile every time I walked into my kitchen. Unfortunately it had a nasty habit of leaking on my floor it was going to cost more to fix that to buy a new fridge. I was happy to put up with it so I could keep the fridge, my husband wouldn’t let me so it went to fridge heaven!
The most beautiful song I have ever heard is easily the Scott and Charlene wedding song from Neighbours – Suddenly by Angry Anderson. I love it and regularly hunt it out on YouTube to have a listen.
The most beautiful person I know is my little boy who always thinks of others first. When we went to London last year he spent his own money on food and drink for a homeless man and walked right up to him to give it to him. He always thinks about what he could do to make others happy and loves to just snuggle together – he’s just a beautiful little old soul.
The most beautiful thing about me is…. I don’t think I have much to show off about in the beauty department but people do tell me that I’m always smiling. I just tell them that life’s too short not to smile – that or if I don’t smile I’d cry.
Thank you Cass (I had to look it up and have just had a little cry. I had so much fun seeing those SO familiar afaces and i had completely forgotten how gorgeous JD was!
Awwww, I love these posts. What a lovely little boy you have Cass. xx
Ahh, this is a lovely post. Cass seems like such a warm person – and the fact that her son has grown up with such strong values is a great reflection on her as a parent!
Now I’m off for a little blub at Neighbours! xx
What a beautiful post. Cass’ kids are a real credit to the beautiful person and wonderful mother she is. I love how he gave the to the homeless man.
I love that song, I can remember my Mam buying it on record and us playing it time and time again
oh what a lovely post and insight into Cass.
PS we had the same problem with our pink Smeg fridge! I loved it but it had to go in the end
Aaaae Becky – your words made me cry never mind the video. Love you lots x x x
Awwww I haven’t listened to that Scott and Charlene song in FOREVER. But it truly is beautiful. Thanks for the reminder.
Ahhhh – the lovely, lovely Cass, what an absolute star! Your son sounds such a sweetheart Cass, what a lovely thing to do. x
What an interesting set of choices – and I can’t believe I just blubbed at Neighbours again! 😉
I love Cas’ blog too. It was one of the first ones I started reading and although I haven’t met her yet, her beautiful personality shines through in her writing.
Also when I read about her little boy, I might have had a little tear in my eyes. What a beautiful thing to do. Many kids would just think of the next toy they could get.
Ooh I remember that song so clearly from my teen years, hadnt thought about it in a long time! Fab post full of beauty! x