My Beautiful Things is back and our first interview is with the fabulous Joy Jackson from Pinkoddy a very lovely lady I have the pleasure to know.
The most beautiful day I ever had …… This is actually really hard because every day is beautiful waking up to my family. I particularly like the ones where my youngest wakes me up and calls me his princess. I guess if I had to pick one day it would be the one where my husband first showed me how special he thought I was. He had just turned 20 and been to Alton Towers with his friends – there he bought a helium Winnie the Pooh balloon for me and carried it around with him (and obviously brought it home). I wasn’t in so he tied it to my front door and arranged to meet me at the park – where he greeted me with the biggest most beautiful bunch of red roses from Interflora.
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen … I don’t think anything is as beautiful as new life – in whatever form it takes – babies, animals or nature.
The most beautiful thing I have ever owned … I don’t own my husband so I would have to go with my engagement ring. I know I should say my wedding ring but actually a lot of time, love and effort went into him choosing my dream engagement ring all by himself. It was beyond anything I could ever dream I was worthy of. Our wedding rings were just cheap because we were students and we thought we would replace them – but actually now we can’t because it doesn’t matter because they are the rings that joined us together.
The most beautiful song I have ever heard ….. My First, My Last, My Everything – Barry White.
This is my song. I had an awful time in life and relationships and then I met my husband. I was his first relationship and this was the song he sang to me.
The most beautiful person I know is…..My husband. Obviously I think he is a good looking guy but his real beauty is on the inside. He is honest, loyal and always sees the good in everything. He is the kind of guy that says sorry even when it is someone else’s fault to keep peace: Not because he is a coward but from a genuine desire to be nice. Honestly I could write a few thousand words on why he is so beautiful.
The most beautiful thing about me is……I wear my heart on the outside. I care so much about people and things that should be of no concern to me, but they are.
Joy has been blogging since 2011 and writes posts on varied topics such as her quest to make the whole family healthier, days out, holidays and reviews. Joy is happily married and has 4 boys between the ages of 6 and 19. The eldest and youngest have special needs. Joy also writes a second blog, The Sensory Seeker where she shares advice on disabilities.
Ah what a lovely post, you are so right new born babies just are so so beautiful as is new life. I so enjoyed reading this, and I too wear my heart on my sleeves, sometimes it is a real pain ha ha x
Thank you for having me
You are absolutely welcome