Home » Beautiful Things by Maggy Woodley

Beautiful Things by Maggy Woodley

 Maggy Woodley is best known for her fabulous, award winning blog Red Ted Art.

I have known her a long while now and she is a great friend of mine. Maggy is genuine, warm, friendly, sharing and fun. She has a true zest for life and creativity which is contagious!

 Beautiful Things by Maggy Woodley

Beautiful Things by Maggy Woodley

The most beautiful day I ever had …… will have to have been my wedding day. It was simply wonderful from start to finish. Emotional, beautiful and fun!

The most beautiful thing I have ever seen  … my babies. I can’t believe that they were once so small and tiny and gorgeous and perfect. That first cuddle and snuggle. Too precious.

The most beautiful thing I have ever owned … mmmh, this is a tricky one. I used to have a wonderful little bracelet – set with turquoise stones and a little bird in the middle, dangling a heart. It was my grandmothers and it was stolen during a burglary. I am not sure if it was the most beautiful thing, but I think of it often and it also reminds me that things are just things and it doesn’t really matter what you have. They come and go and you need to enjoy them whilst you have them.

The most beautiful song I have ever heard …. My current favourite is “You are My Sunshine”… but only because we seem to constantly have kids’ music on in my house!

The most beautiful person I know is….. right now it is my sister in law (to be), as she is getting married tomorrow and all brides are beautiful! That happy glow.

The most beautiful thing about me is… I need someone else to answer this one for me. If I “had to pick something”, I would hope (!), that people think I am helpful. I do like to help people out where I can and where I have the skills or knowledge to support.

 Red Ted Art pro shot, Maggy Woodley

Thank you Maggy!


Maggy Woodley, mum of 2 (a boy and a girl), is a prolific blogger, running a number of different sites on various topics from Fun Crafts to Cooking with Kids and Days Out.

Her main focus and experience is in crafts.

She writes the popular and successful craft blog Red Ted Art and is author of the Amazon’s best selling Kids Craft book “Red Ted Art, Cute & Easy Crafts for Kids“. Her mission in blogging life is to make crafts easy and fun and “do-able” for all, making it an accessible activity even for those who think of themselves a non creative and mess averse.

 Maggy Woodley book

                  Red Ted Art: Cute and Easy Crafts for Kids


  1. May 20, 2014 / 9:04 pm

    Awww Maggy is lovely and VERY helpful!

  2. May 20, 2014 / 12:18 am

    What a lovely post about a lovely lady. I remember the first time I went to BritMums I spotted Maggy and was too nervous to go up and speak to her because she is such a blogging superstar, but thankfully since then I’ve got to to know her online a bit, and she’s just as nice as you say. Great post, and very sweet pics x

  3. May 19, 2014 / 7:33 pm

    yes maggy you are definitely high on the helpful list!

  4. May 19, 2014 / 6:33 pm

    you describe her so well Becky! And yes Maggy you are definitely very helpful!

  5. Stacey Corrin
    May 19, 2014 / 6:20 pm

    Beautiful Maggy and her beautiful talents. Don’t forget those! I couldn’t do half the things you do but admire them from a tidy difference. 🙂

  6. Ali Clifford
    May 19, 2014 / 2:53 pm

    🙂 I need add no more, Maggy IS my second husband 🙂

  7. May 19, 2014 / 2:18 pm

    Lovely to read this, I found it really light and uplifting. Her book is brilliant.

  8. Mammasaurus
    May 19, 2014 / 1:15 pm

    Ahhhh beautiful Maggy!

  9. May 19, 2014 / 12:50 pm

    I love posts like this – always a great way to find out more about someone!! Fab idea 🙂 x

  10. May 19, 2014 / 12:31 pm

    I have loved reading this series so far, so interesting! And yes Maggy, you are lovely and helpful! 🙂

  11. May 19, 2014 / 11:32 am

    Yup I agree, definitely helpful. How awful that you had the special bracelet stolen.

  12. Nikki Thomas
    May 19, 2014 / 9:53 am

    I love this feature Becky, such lovely positive questions.

  13. PinkOddy
    May 19, 2014 / 9:52 am

    Oh I am sorry to hear that the bracelet was stolen 🙁
    You do have very beautiful children and definitely are helpful.

  14. May 19, 2014 / 8:40 am

    The most wonderful thing about you Maggy is that you are helpful, down-to-earth, creative, inventive and simply FABULOUS. (OK that’s 5 things). x

  15. May 19, 2014 / 8:36 am

    LOVELY post! What a fab idea! *heads off to think of all things beautiful! x

  16. May 19, 2014 / 8:31 am

    Yes! I would say helpful is one of Maggy’s lovely qualities. Also that she is so supportive of the people around her. Truly beautiful qualities.

  17. May 18, 2014 / 7:46 pm

    ahhh lovely. You are definitely helpful Maggy.

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