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Best books from my childhood


The best Books From My Childhood

Best books from my childhood


The Best Books From My Childhood – Revisited

Such a treat to look back at the best books from my childhood

One of the biggest pleasures of parenting for me is watching my children grow and learn and enjoy a whole range of new things as they do. I have adored watching them fall in love with books – a huge passion of mine.

For me books are magical; they transport you, inspire you educate you and inform you, they can also just be brilliant fun. I get a little kick out of seeing my kids enjoy the same book I read as a kids knowing how much pleasure those books will being. Finding the same editions that I read hiding out in our local  Oxfam second hand bookshop absolutely delights me!

My daughter is loving the Malory Towers book Enid Blyton’s tales of boarding school, friendships and schoolgirl life . I remember my mum telling me how much she had loved these too. How wonderful these books continue to entertain.




The ladybird books are full of information , wonderful illustrations and a re just a delight. There  is something rather lovely about old Ladybirds that makes me think of my childhood and learning.



Sometimes the old stories really are the most magical.


Charity shop book buying makes such sense. You are saving yourself (a lot of ) money. giving money to a good cause and are recycling and helping the environment. Fabulous. You can also keep your kids in great books this way with a stream of new titles and you can find some real treasures that fill you with memories.

I love books and what a treat to share them with my children.


passing on books from my childhood


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  1. Lucy
    September 16, 2014 / 7:14 am

    I am loving passing on books from my childhood to my own children. Each, Peach, Pear, Plum was a great one when they were babies. I’m enjoying reading the Katie Morag and Buscuit, Buttons and Pickles stories. We’ve started on The Secret Garden and I can’t wait to get to Anne of Green Gables. I love the vintage look of some of the old books as room decor too!

  2. May 20, 2014 / 8:48 am

    I loved Malory Towers and St. Clares. My daughter is still a bit young for those but we have been enjoying The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark – another childhood favourite of mine :)

  3. Ann Ellison
    May 20, 2014 / 6:14 am

    A great opportunity to revisit such an imaginative world when you share these wonderful books with your children! .

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