Home » 10 Best Books on Happiness (and how they can help you)

10 Best Books on Happiness (and how they can help you)

The 10 Best books on happiness – lets take a look at what they are.


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Best books on happiness


Best Books on happiness

Best books on happiness – that’s something useful to search for indeed!  There are some absolutely awesome options out there. Let me share some of them with you!

It is absolutely the biggest common denominator EVER!

Ask anyone what they really want out of life, and they’ll mostly have the same reply- happiness. From the goals, we chase to the friends we make- everything zeros down to us trying to be happy. It is often said that happiness is a choice, and if it really is, how exactly do we make it?

That’s what you’re about to discover! Keep reading to discover the top 10 best books on happiness you can get your hands on to discover happiness in its truest form!


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Our best books on happiness list

Here we go…..


The Art of Happiness is no.1 on our Best Books on Happiness  list

This one’s on top of our list, and for a very good reason- consider it your 1 on 1 conversation with the Dalai Lama! Give this book a read, and you’ll be able to find answers to some of your most pressing questions, and get pointers and tips from Dalai Lama himself to find peace, happiness and the inner calm you’ve been craving.

Who doesn’t love this wonderful man?



best books on happiness

The art of happiness by the Dalai Lama


Stumbling On Happiness

Written by a Harvard professor, this book can be super refreshing as opposed to other self-help books you might come across. It reveals how the mind works, and how years of conditioning has caused our minds to think in a limited way, which is what truly gets in our way of happiness.

The book helps you become more self-aware of your negative beliefs, and in turn, attempts to transform you into a happier person. Yay – one of the BEST books on happiness



Stumbling on Happiness by Dan Gilbert – on of the very  best books on happiness



The Happiness Advantage – one of THE best books on happiness

Absolutely one of the best books on happiness This rather simple book puts forth 7 simple and actionable principles to help you in all areas of your life- from boosting your career growth to making you feel healthier, and therefore, happier. It offers practical advice to help you enter a more positive state of mind to help you achieve extraordinary results in your life.


The happiness advantage by Shawn Achor – One of the best books on happiness


This makes a great Christmas gift idea if you are looking to make someone smile in the festive season.


10% Happier 


Best Books on Happiness

Best Books on Happiness for meditation lovers

10% Happier is another top choice, and one of the most recommended books in the self-help category. If you’re someone who’s struggling with anxiety and stress, this one could be an excellent read that could help you get control of yourself. The book focuses on meditation and its powers, and how it can all help you find happiness in life.

10% happier – How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works – A True Story by Dan Harris



Best books on happiness? Try Authentic Happiness

Authentic Happiness is a book crafted by the best-of the best – Martin Selignman who is also known as the father of positive psychology. Here, Martin talks about how you can put the best of what you have to use to improve your life. In the book, you’ll find many practical advice and tests to keep you going, and by the end of it, you will also have discovered your signature strength to make your world a happier place.

And who wants faked happiness we all want it to be authentic right? Genuine and real. 

Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman



Best Books on Happiness

Best books on happiness


The Magic of Thinking Big – one of most successful and best books on happiness 

If you’ve ever read about the Law of Attraction, you’re probably already familiar with this one! The Magic of Thinking Big has been one of the most popular books in the category and focuses on sheer force of determination to help you achieve success in life. It also talks about the power of your mind, how you can do anything that you ‘believe’ you can do, and how you can use it to your advantage to shape a happier future for yourself.

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J Schwartz

Best Books on Happiness


The Happiness Project

Last, but not the least, if you’re looking for a straight-forward book that lets you find happiness without making huge changes in your life, this is it!

The book encourages you to focus on setting small yet measurable goals for yourself in different areas of your life in order to find happiness- right from going to bed early to get organized and so on. You’ll find this book to be funny and relatable and extremely motivating!

The happiness project   by Gretchen Rubin

 I really did enjoy this book and it is a lighter example in the best books on happiness list that i have hear for you today. 


Best books on happiness


Create your Own Happy (absolutely one of the best books on happiness for kids!)

This is my own book but you know what I would absolutely include it anyway, it is rather fabulous!

Create your own Happy is an illustrated activity book empowers children to shape their lives, and the lives of others around them, by taking practical, positive steps towards their own happiness and positive self-esteem!

Discover everything happy with this interactive, fun activity book! From speaking in front of your class to standing up for others; planting a seed bomb outdoors or making your own happy playlist, making a recycling monster to paying kindness forward, learn how to Create Your Own Happy!

This is absolutely one of the best books on happiness for kids and can really enhance their self regulation skills


best books on happiness, the best book on happiness, number one hapiness book, best selling happiness book

Best books on happiness


Create your own happy  ( my very own self-penned  best books on happiness also include Be Happy be You and Create Your own Calm)  You might also enjoy my brand new quote book on happiness for kid 365 days of happy.  The perfect stocking filler for every child in your family this Christmas. You can totally support children’s emotional well being with this beautiful pocket-sized gift book.

Boost happiness with encouraging quotes, positive affirmations and simple activities – one for every day of the year. It contains 

  • inspirational quotes to help brighten children’s moods
  • positive affirmations to build confidence and self esteem
  • simple activities to do throughout the year

It’s the perfect book to open at the beginning of the day or before bed to help create a positive mindset.





Best Books on Happiness

You can buy 365 days of happy here



Happy: Why More or Less Everything is Absolutely Fine

In this highly praised book, Derren Brown draws on classical and ancient psychology and philosophy, as well as his own experiences too, to uncover how we can truly be happy.


Happy: Why More or Less Everything is Absolutely Fine

Happy: Why More or Less Everything is Absolutely Fine  by Derren Brown


Happiness by Design – possibly my fave of the best books on happiness

I saved the best for last here I think. Paul Dolan totally and absolutely believes we can design our own happy life and he’s shown us how.

I love this book it is so positive and so optimistic and it makes you feel absolutely in control. Paul’s book suits me as I am a proactive person and this book reveals that wellbeing isn’t about how we think – it’s about what we do. Interesting and tangible absolutely one of the very best books on happiness

I come back to this books all the time and I have told so many people about it. if I had to only recommend one this is probably the one I would go for . 


Best books on happiness


Happiness by Design by Paul Dolan



The best books on happiness list

So there you go the 10 best books on happiness and how they can help you. Your happiness is so important giving some time and focus too it allows you to nurture it, guide it and grow it. Try learning a little about how it works and how you can enable it to flourish.

It may be one of the very best things you ever do – do you have any books you would add to this best books on happiness list?


Further reading on the best books on happiness

I have a new happiness book out Be happy be you – the teenage guide to happiness filled to the brim with happiness boosting tips and ideas for teens – do take a look!


the best book on happiness. bnest books on happiness, teenage guide to happiness, be happy be you


If you have enjoyed this best books on happiness list you might also like my post on 14 simple ways to help kids be happy with life


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Over to you – Your best books on happiness

Do you have any best books on happiness to share with me?

A little musical interlude!


You  might like a peek on my list of 100 books to read before you die

I have also written a posts on why is synchronicity happening to me that you might like to look at on your journey to joy and my post on a money-saving mindset to combat your materialism and modern lifestyle habits to ditch

If you enjoyed this post on the best books on happiness you might also like my posts on happy happiness habits and  on self-improvement ideas


1 Comment

  1. December 20, 2019 / 3:48 am

    I was read some of Dalai Lama. I will read others. Thank you. You’re great

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