Today – Planting and Caring for Roses and how to go about it
There’s something quintessentially elegant about roses. The thorns create such a stark contrast to the beautiful flowers that there’s something wonderfully aesthetically perfect about these plants. Here I wanted to share some of the best tips we’ve found for caring for roses.
Planting and caring for Roses
Types of Roses
There are a seemingly infinite variety of roses and new varieties are being created all the time. The most common types are ramblers, climbing, floribundas and hybrids. Floribundas give you beautiful clusters of flowers, climbers and ramblers sprawl over anything and hybrids do a little bit of everything. Groves Nurseries has a wide selection of all varieties if you want to order online as will all good local nurseries.
Pruning Roses before Planting
When your roses are delivered they will have been pruned back if it is the dormant season. If they haven’t you will need to prune them back to make sure they don’t get damaged or tumble when you initially plant them. Prune plants to between 6 and 9 inches to allow them to take perfectly.
Start by digging a hole large enough for the roots to sit comfortably in whilst spread.
Roses are gross feeders so you need to make sure that you prepare your soil properly if you want them to thrive. Mushroom composts are the ideal bedding as you want to add a good spread of humus to the soil.
If you are planting in the spring or summer months then you can add fish, bone fertiliser and blood mix to the soil to help the plants come on.
If you are planting in the winter or early autumn add bone meal and bone mix into the soil.
Finally add some root grow to the bottom of the hole.
Now you are ready to plant your rose. Place the rose in the hole and spread the hole with the roots nicely spread out. Try not to damage the roots if you can to ensure the plant takes well. Place soil into the hole and gently firm around the roots. Soil needs to be firm around the roots so don’t be too loose with this part as the plants need a firm hand.
Once the plant is firmly in place add a good layer of mulch around the rose. Horse manure, mushroom compost or if those can’t be acquired a bag of compost will work well.
Water the rose in gently but don’t drench the site. Ideally plant in the evening or early mornings to give the plant time to settle.
Planting and Caring for Roses over the year
Roses should be pruned twice a year if you want to get the best results from the plants. You won’t need to do this in the first year from planting. You should then cut the plants back in the autumn and late spring to get them to grow well. Ideally cut them back by half of their new growth each time.
Bear in mind that some varieties like Floribundas flower earlier than others and are cut back less than hybrid varieties. Climbing roses should be pruned right back to the healthy buds and any weaker branches should just be removed.
Feeding Roses
Roses like to be fed regularly and you should generally feed them every spring as the weather starts to warm. Lay down some more mulch and add some liquid feed to give your roses the best chances.
Sometimes Roses are afflicted by aphids, black spots or mildew. You can get a spray to prevent all of these diseases spreading and prune off any affected areas.
Planting and caring for Roses is a Featured Post – if you enjoyed this post you might like to read my post about my week in flowers