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A Christmas gift guide for a lady

A Christmas gift guide for a lady

I have come across a few treasures recently and thought that they would just make the most perfect of Christmas gifts for a lady. Classy , classic gifts with an edge of coolness. This little gift guide has ideas that would suit sisters, aunts, mother in laws or may even make your own Christmas wish gift list ( I trust you do make one of those?)

First up we have this stunning Timex from WatchShop.com which I was lucky enough to be sent to review

timex, Christmas gift guide for a lady

Timex Unisex Weekender Fairfield Watch

I just love it’s big clean face and funky strap. It is very cool. I shared an image of my wearing this watch to Instagram and had so many lovely comments. In fact I had so many compliments on it. It is so very British too don’t you think?

Other straps are available , the more classic, vertical stripes, tan, black even Breton and at £49 I think it is an absolutely great buy. A lovely gift idea. It comes with a 2 year guarantee too.

Or how about a copy of Gardenista published by Artisan Books on I November at £28.99 which I was lucky enough to also review.



This is the first book from the Gardenista team. This stunning hardback is a garden design manual with equal parts inspiration and expert advice: there are in-depth tours, step-by-step guides and easy-to-implement design ideas. It is for people who love a bit of style in the garden and packed full of creative and lovely ideas – it fair made me drool! Such a lovely gift.

Or how about a G&T lover box  sent through the post from Moonpig (£35). What a fun gift!




Or how about ordering some bespoke peggies for your lovely friend or relative that can be totally personalised to look like them or their family. You can order these now from Helena Tyce Designs


I hope you are inspired by this Christmas gift guide for a lady






  1. NIkki Thomas
    November 1, 2016 / 7:49 pm

    I love the G&T set, that is defintiely something I would love to receive this Christmas

  2. October 24, 2016 / 7:18 pm

    Some lovely gift ideas here, I need the garden book to help me with my new garden design!

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