Home » How Home Improvement Can Detox Your Life

How Home Improvement Can Detox Your Life

Detox Your Life with these home improvement stratergies

While sipping lemon-water and steaming cruciferous vegetables is a great start for detoxing your body, did you know that your home could contain chemicals, mold, mites, spores and other potential allergens.


How Home Improvement Can Detox Your Life

Just because your body is clean, doesn’t mean it will always be that way. If you don’t implement a detox system in your home, you may not reap the benefits of living a clean life in other areas.

This is why you should get stuck into DIY projects – not only do they represent a money saving and satisfying hobby, they also could help you to turn your home into a toxin or chemical-free haven. Read on for our top tips:

 How Home Improvement Can Detox Your Life


Adding light, air and life

How Home Improvement Can Detox Your Life with air and light!

Having gloomy corners in your home isn’t very nice, and nowadays modern homes are expected to be bright and fresh – that is, not stale and lifeless!

This can be achieved with both big, expensive projects, like a kitchen extension, and more affordable ones, like getting some replacement windows to brighten up an area and bring better ventilation. This has the added benefit of giving you energy savings if your windows are old to begin with, so it’s something to consider if you’re not ready to knock down any walls yet!

There are other ways home improvements can add light too. Little DIY projects like installing a shelf – perfect for some new lamps or a jar full of fairy lights – are very trendy. Himalayan salt lamps are also effective home detoxers, achieving a healthy double whammy by being pretty and absorbing harmful airborne substances.


  • More space for plants and wellbeing

Whether you’re installing new shelving or going the whole hog and getting a kitchen extension, you will be able to install plants which can literally detox your home. The best possible photosynthesising friends to help you achieve this are the Peace Lily, English Ivy, Chrysanthemum Morifolium, and Snake Plant.

Plants not only detox your home but can bring you happiness through their pure aesthetic qualities – looking at natural beauty is known to lift spirits and inspire. Not to mention the new hobby you will develop. Taking care of a living creature can be immensely satisfying on top of the other benefits, so making some space for plants can only be an advantage for your wellbeing.


  • How Home Improvement Can Detox Your Life – Re-imagining your relationship with your home

Whether you want a new bathroom or a bay window to increase your curb appeal, embarking on a home improvement project can completely flip the way you relate to your humble home. This is a good thing to consider at the very beginning of a project. You probably already know what you want out of your project, but if you consider exactly how you want your life to look in your new space, you might be more likely to actually make that desired change.

Some ways to do this include installing new storage places to put your cleaning supplies somewhere super accessible, meaning you can do the dreaded hoovering more often and with more ease. Perhaps you could create a mudroom so shoes don’t go inside the house, meaning less cleaning and less outside dirt coming into the home.


  • Go clutter-free to detox your life

Undertaking a big home improvement project means another opportunity to rid yourself of the things you really don’t need. This requires some brutal honesty with yourself, mind you. If you haven’t used or otherwise appreciated an object or decoration for over a year, it might be time to put it in the car boot sale or charity shop bin.

Clutter not only occupies valuable space in our homes but can also mean a cluttered mind – not what you want if you’re looking after your health in a holistic way. A clear mind means a better opportunity to take care of your body. Rethink your storage situation and get rid of what you don’t need for newfound peace and optimism in your home.


  • Examining unused areas

Another fantastic opportunity that home improvement projects bring is that you get the opportunity to have a good poke around of the areas of your home you normally don’t use. This could mean looking for mold, traces of pests or standing water that sometimes accumulates in unseen spots.

These can be breeding grounds for an untold number of bacteria, insects and other disease-carrying pests. Taking the opportunity to have a good assessment and clean of these unseen areas can do wonders for the air quality in your home.


  • Detox your life by Replacing toxic materials with non-toxic ones

If you have children, this is especially relevant to you. Kids are constantly going around on their hands and knees so are closer to possible toxins than you are, and they’re more sensitive to them. Old carpeting or furniture materials can carry all sorts of dirt and toxins we can’t even see, and generally deteriorate over time.

This is why when doing DIY you should try to choose natural or non-toxic materials like linoleum, bamboo or wood. These are less hazardous in the long run than things that can leach chemicals like plastic.


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How Home Improvement Can Detox Your Life is a feature post



1 Comment

  1. Macs
    September 12, 2017 / 11:17 am

    Definitely right. Home renovations and improvement will to make day to day life easier and fun. Life does not have to be still. Why not change and improve if we must.. Thank you for sharing. More power. Keep posting

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