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Easy, Clever Tips to Keep Your Car Clean and Organized

Your car is one of the most expensive things you own. For this reason, you should make an effort to keep it clean and organized. You are also going to spend a lot of time in your car, and driving around in a dirty vehicle may not be as luxurious. Here are five easy and clever tips to help you keep your car spotless:


Tips to Keep Your Car Clean, becky goddard-hill



  1. Use a Remote Control Holder To Keep Essentials Tidy

Remote control holders are usually spacious and well designed to hold essential items. You can tuck the remote control holder under your car seat and keep your pens and notebooks well organized. If you drive a leased car, the remote control holder can eventually help you avoid the charges for excessive wear and tear. It is important to note that the dealership still owns the leased car and they will expect you to return it in peak condition. If there are stains on the carpeting and seats, you will have to pay extra for the repairs.


  1. Use Toothpaste To Make Car Headlights Shiny Again

Light, dust and the weather can make your headlight covers dull and hazy. Leasing companies such as intelligentcarleasing.com may consider this normal wear and tear, but it won’t hurt you to keep the headlights shiny. Most people buy cleaning products for this purpose, but there is an even cheaper solution: toothpaste. Start by washing the surface with soap and water, then apply some toothpaste to a dry paper towel. Cover the headlights with the toothpaste and rinse it off with warm water.


  1. Clean Vents With a Foam Craft Brush

Car air vents can get dusty over time. Getting rid of the dust with a rag is almost impossible since the spaces are too small. Blowing the vents is also ineffective and will get dust all over your face. An easy way to clean the vents is by using a foam craft brush. These tools are reusable and can catch all the dust in your vents. Foam craft brushes are usually bought in packs and are quite cheap. When you finish using the brush, just rinse it and use it again when the vents collect dust.


  1. Put a Storage Tote in the Trunk

Messy items are usually carried in the trunk of the car. If you leased your vehicle, you would not be able to return it easily with unpleasant smells and dirt in the trunk. To avoid this problem, you can simply use plastic storage totes. These are much easier to clean. In addition, the storage totes will help you utilize every inch of your trunk space without causing any disorganization.


  1. Repurposed Baby Wipes Containers

Baby wipe containers are made of durable and waterproof materials, and these qualities make it easy to repurpose them for something else. First, you can use them to store glass and mirror cleaning wipes. You can also use the wipes containers as car trash cans. Another option is to use them to hold plastic bags in your car.


Keeping your car and your spaces clean and tidy is important. You will get to enjoy the environment better and will not have to search for your items everywhere in the car. With these five tips, you should be able to keep your car organized. These extra solutions will help you keep your household clean as well.


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