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Easy Gardening

I am all for easy gardening.

I love flowers and plants and luscious gardens.

As a child we had a concrete back yard with just a tiny bit of garden but what we did have my mum tended with real love and attention. I recall lily of the valley, snowdrops, big and fragrant yellow and pink English roses, crocuses and hydrangeas. Huge hanging baskets would overspill their gorgeous petunias and  fuscia pots were everywhere. Bless her she she made the little  we had in all aspects of our life wonderful.


easy gardening


I am time short and at the moment quite physically limited in what I can do so I need to keep it simple. We have a horrible bamboo in our garden that spreads like wildfire. Each year it just pops back. We have had no clue what to do.


rasied bed

easy gardening

Last year my good friend Jen tried a garden on a roll form, Homebase where basically you get sent all you need to make a fab border including a map! 

Well Homebase also do a garden on a roll raised bed . You get bio-degradable paper plan; bio-degradable pegs; plastic pots for plants, wooden handle for trowel with steel head, cardboard box.Plants with aromatic foliage, scented and colourful flowers, tactile leaves and grasses with movement also some edible plants.

Sounds easy doesn’t it.  Maybe plonking that on top will solve our bamboo problem? I would be grateful for any other simple bamboo bashing ideas!




  1. Jenni
    January 30, 2014 / 9:12 pm

    No tips to help with the bamboo, I found this link from the rhs but I’m sure you’ve already seen it. – Now I know why my mum planted her bamboo in a pot, I had no idea it could spread out like you said. I have taken a mental note. I think perhaps burying it under a raised bed may be a good idea, especially if it’s a very deep bed. I loved the look of the garden on a roll idea, I do think it’s pricey though.

  2. Hellie's Corner
    January 30, 2014 / 8:04 pm

    Roll out garden, great idea. Can’t help you with your bamboo, mine has taken years to establish don’t think it likes the harsh Welsh weather we have. #howdoesyourgardengrow

  3. Mammasaurus
    January 30, 2014 / 6:35 pm

    Oh I feel your pain! Years ago I lived somewhere with bamboo and the flipping stuff grows like wildfire and spreads far underground. I took a pick axe to it in the end and it took yonks but I got rid of it. And then moved house. Silly old me.

    I remember Jens Garden on a Roll – I must look into that actually – you’ve reminded me! I have no handy pearls of bamboo wisdom but I can pass the gin for the pain!

    Thanks for joining in and sharing x

  4. January 30, 2014 / 1:48 pm

    Sounds like you had a lovely space growing up and it goes to show that it’s not how much space you have, it’s what you do with it ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you manage to get the bamboo under control ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. January 30, 2014 / 1:47 pm

    That does sound good, and wish I could help with the bamboo problem – how annoying!

  6. Alexandra Mercer
    January 30, 2014 / 1:37 pm

    That sounds like a top tip to me! #HDYGG

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