The Right Fence For Your Garden
How to Choose the Right Fence For Your Garden
Finding The Right Fence For Your Garden
Fencing is a key part of any garden and it can be great for changing how your garden looks or adding some extra privacy. If you have a garden that needs a new fence, you’ve probably already had a look at some of the options available. We know that it can be very overwhelming when you are presented with a lot of different options of fences. This is why we have come up with a list of garden fencing options for you. If none of these options are quite what you need, don’t be afraid to try DIY fencing which allows you to create your own style and is available to purchase online!
Keep reading to find out more about these fencing panels.
Traditional Panels
Our first type of fencing that you could use in your garden is traditional panels, and if you’re interested in learning how to install a chain link fence on uneven ground, these options can still be suitable. These fence panels include many of the common panels such as featheredge, lap, and closeboard panels. You’ll find that these panels are reliable and effective. Although they are not typically the most decorative fencing option, they offer good coverage and some even provide noise-reduction. This is great if you like to have friends round to your house or if you have noisy children. Noise reduction panels will prevent your noise getting through to your neighbours and so it will be a worthwhile investment. These panels also provide great security because of their robust structure and closed design.
Lattice Panels
If you’d like to divide your garden into different sections, a lattice panel fence is the best option for you. The open feel of the lattice means that you won’t be closing off parts of your garden but can still protect certain parts. You’ll be able to see through the lattice to your nice plants and you can even grow some of them through the lattice for a great decorative effect. If you don’t mind your neighbours seeing into your garden you can even use this type of fencing as a boundary to your garden. This will let a lot of light in whilst making your garden look attractive at the same time!
Contemporary Panels
If you’d like to close off your garden from your neighbours but still want to save some of the light, you could choose some contemporary fencing. Choosing this style will make your garden still look attractive but will also provide the security that you require. You’ll find that the contemporary style of fencing will often be pressure treated and be very sturdy and worth your money. With some contemporary fencing you can even use the gaps to add some plants to decorate it even more.
Tongue And Groove Panels
For a fencing option that will work well in preventing rot and the penetration of water, tongue and groove panels work well. The way in which the panels are designed means that they interlock and provide good security as well ensuring that they last for a long time. With this option you can also enjoy the benefits of noise reduction as they can be made to fit this purpose. We recommend this type of fencing for a stylish look as they can also be made to have a dome top.
How to Choose the Right Fence For Your Garden Cheaper Panels
If you are looking for some cheap fence panels like these from, you’ll find that you are best to go for some dip treated ones or pressure treated options. When it comes to dip treated fencing, they tend to be cheaper because they are only dipped in to wood treatment for a short space of time. This means that the wood treatment only protects the outer layer of wood rather than all of it. Although this is not ideal, if you are looking for cheaper panels then you’ll need to make this sacrifice.
Pressure treated panels are treated for a bit longer and so have more coverage against wear and tear. If you don’t mind compromising on the quality in order to pay less as well as committing to regular maintenance, we recommend looking out for these types of fencing.
Picket Fencing
If you’d simply like to section off part of your garden but fancy something other than lattice panels, picket fencing might be your best option. Picket fences are great for keeping the security of your children and plants whilst allowing for natural light to get into the sectioned off area. The picket fence is also quite a traditional method of fencing, so it can be a popular choice for some when looking for something to suit a sectioned off garden.
Palisade Panels
Our final fencing option for you to choose from in the search for the right fence for your garden is palisade panels. These types of panels are similar to picket fencing and provide a great boundary fence for areas that you want to protect. These can be great for use in your front garden if you’d like to close it off from the street but still have your house on show. The great thing about these panels is that they have large gaps that let the light through so that your garden is not placed in the shade. This is also great because your plants will not suffer from the lack of the light and you can ensure that your garden remains in a good state.
Our Verdict on Finding The Right Fence For Your Garden
Depending on the type of garden that you have and the type of fencing that you require, there are many options for you to choose from. Although it can be an easy fix to choose the cheapest option, you may find that there is another type of fencing that will work better for your garden. Make sure to not only check out the style of the fencing but also the way in which the wood is treated. If you’d like some extra features also make sure to look out for noise reduction type fences or ones that allow getting creative with your plants. You won’t be short for choice and your garden will be looking great in no time!
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