You’ve decided to kick the microwave meals and start consuming healthier, more nutritious food. You own a modern kitchen, why not utilise it? Your tum has grown a few inches and you’re standing in front of the mirror wondering what you can do slim down and get that body beach ready just before summer. You know you can do it if you can just make sure there is enough healthy food to keep you going, and it all starts with taking a look at your kitchen pantry. Here are the top five ways to make your pantry healthier:
- Get rid of all out of date ingredients
It’s always worth making sure that your pantry is as sparkling clean as it can possibly be. Be sure to take everything out and give the pantry a good old hoover and scrub down. Now that your pantry is as good as new. Make sure that all of your ingredients and spices are in date! Ditch anything that is out of date or anything that you know is not going to be used. This will make you feel better about your pantry straight away, knowing that everything in there is available and in date.
- Fill your pantry with healthy snacks
Now that you’ve got your pantry clean, it should be your next job to fill it with healthy snacks and ingredients. There’s nothing worse than having an empty stomach and an empty pantry, this is when most people are likely to break and order in a pizza! By having tasty wholefoods you can snack on, you can defeat that hunger until meal time. Just make sure that everyone in the house will eat what is available in the pantry, we all know what picky eaters some people can be.
- Use glass jars to store food
Being able to organise your pantry can really help you when trying to maintain a healthy diet. By keeping your ingredients in glass jars, it not only makes all of your ingredients more accessible, but you are also able to see how much is left inside the containers, so you can easily fill up the ingredients when you start running low.
- Make your pantry look good
This is what you have been doing, in essence, through all of the previous steps in this article. But, by making sure that you own a pantry that you are proud of, filled with colourful ingredients that will make you excited to cook. By having an attractive and well organised pantry, you will also realise that it will make deciding what to eat easier, and if you have all of the healthiest foods at the front and centre, you will be more likely to pick them!
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