Happiness is only real when shared – Christopher McCandless.
This happiness is only real when shared quote is hotly debated. Let us take a look and see if we think this is true. Is happiness only real when shared?
Happiness is only real when shared
Happiness is only real when shared – would a social introvert agree?
If you have watched “Into The Wild,” you will be very familiar with the quote “Happiness is Only Real When Shared.” This was penned by Christopher McCandless in the Alaska wilderness, where he took his last breath. Christopher disillusioned with people and life headed out into the wilderness to look for a meaningful life.
He took his last breath in Alaska, in a makeshift van and “Happiness is Only Real When Shared.” was written in a highlighted passage found in a book near his remain.
So is happiness real when shared?
There are wildly opposing views on this.
Happiness is only real when shared
Is Into the Wild a true story? And did he really say happiness is only real when shared?
Yes I was shocked to find out it actually is true! ‘Into The Wild’ is based on a true story. Jon Krakauer’s book was made into he film and it is based on the life of Christopher Johnson McCandless (aka Alexander Supertramp), He was an Emory University graduate who gave it all up to live life in the wild you can read his full fascinating story here
Happiness is only real when shared is a concept that has arisen from this awesome story but we do have to ask the question, but hmmm..is it true?
Check out my book 365 days of happy designed o help kids be happier with daily inspiration.
So, is it true that happiness is only real when shared?
In this article, we will try to find out whether this quote is real and not or was it the last words of a lonely isolated man? I think if you were desperate in the last minutes of your life you could possibly utter this without truly meaning it don’t you?
Happiness is only real when shared or is solitude the greater bliss
Happiness is only real when shared – was this spoken from a moment of loneliness?
Christopher set out looking for a meaningful life but in the end it looks like he felt he needed more.
So, what happened?
A lot of people a try to look for happiness within themselves don’t they and guru after guru urge us to do so.
While finding happiness within oneself is essential, sharing your happiness with others is crucial as well. Happiness is only real when shared may not be completely true, but it is, at least mostly true
Happiness is real when shared
Yes, introverts have a hard time talking about themselves and sharing their happiness but, sharing your happiness really can take it to another level.
Does it sound like showing off, might it make someone else jealous, might it tempt fate? For many reasons we can be are reluctant about sharing happiness.
I would simply counsel ‘Be aware before you share. Know who is happy for your happiness.’
Happiness is only real when shared – well maybe but be cautious.
Who said happiness is only real when shared?
Happiness is only real when shared – why did he say this?
When we consider Christopher McCandless’se and the words “Happiness is only real when shared,” we can assume that it comes from a man who was alone during his last breath. He understood that happiness is amplified or increased when it is shared with people but is it absolutely true?
Can you not be truly happy unless it is witnessed? What’s your thoughts on this.
If you don’t have someone to talk to or share your happiest or saddest moments does life truly becomes meaningless.
But is that true/ Did Christopher really mean that?
Or, was he in those final moments just very lonely and that’s why he penned Happiness is only real when shared ?
Happiness is only real when shared or can you/ should you be bale to be happy alone
I have often been happy alone and I am sure you have too so do we need to take this as an absolute?
Being happy alone is really very important I think and I am sure in his solitude he will have had immense moments of happiness too.
if you are completely reliant on other people to make you happy then you are not in control of your own emotional destiny and oh how we need to be. It is vital.
Happiness is only real when shared
Happiness is only real when shared – A Swedish proverb:
“Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.”
So, is this proverb is entirely true? In exploring the authenticity of shared emotions, one might consider the use of a lie detector test to discern the truth behind our expressions of joy and sorrow. We know there is great value in sharing your joy and happiness with others ( who care about and champioon you and who do not have FOMO). So, if you share your joy, it gets doubled.
And does it follow that when you share your sorrow, it gets halved. Well it is true that a lot of the time you will feel lighter and brighter for offloading
When you share your grief with others, they sympathize, even empathize with you. If you are in a dire condition, people might even help you and give you a comforting hug and a practical helping hand. And, al that is very valuable
BUT If Happiness is only real when shared is it true that Sadness is only relived if shared?
There are some thing s that would suggest not.
If you talk TOO much on and on about what is wrong you will make you problem bigger in your own mind and you will bring other people down too. their has to be a boundary wall and you need to stop after a while or it can bring you down and damage your relationship if all you do is go on and on about what is wrong.
Happiness is only real when shared – do kids instinctively know this?
Happiness is only real when shared – A look at the research on Sharing Happiness
Below we have mentioned research on sharing happiness conducted by psychologists.
In this study several people were invited to a laboratory with their partners or friends.
They were asked to write up a specific positive event in their lives that brought happiness to them.
Then, they were asked to share it with their partner or friend. It was noted that when they shared their happiness with their friends or partners, their joy doubled.
Such a simple thing but how lovey is that?
Then they were asked to keep sharing their happiness over the next few weeks.
They were first asked to journal their experiences and then share their happiness with a different friend or partner twice a week. Those who kept sharing their happiness reported greater happiness, satisfaction with life, and vitality.
How wonderful.
Happiness is only real when shared – or is it?
Happiness is only real when shared – is this a myth?
In fact Researchers have found out that people who share positive events in their lives and happiness tend to live happier lives. People who habitually talk about their life positively with their parents, partner and friends are almost always more positive and fulfilled as a result.
Moreover researchers have found more satisfaction and happiness are derived when a person shares their happiness with a greater number of people.
So get blogging about it I say – Happiness is only real when shared? then share away!
Happiness is only real when shared meaning
So, we can conclude then people share their happiness with a romantic partner or a friend, they feel more uplifted and optimistic.
They derive more satisfaction and obtain a positive outlook on life. It cannot be denied that sharing happiness indeed increases our happiness.
But there is a caveat to this – you have to share with the right people.
Happiness is only real when shared (with those who care)
Happiness is only real when shared – with the right people
When you share your happiness with someone, always try to find someone supportive and caring.
Who needs their happiness taking down a peg or two or someone bursting their joy bubble. No – one at all that is who! People we love will celebrate with us and get excited with us, they will echo our pleasure and this will only enhance it.
Pick wisely who to share your glow with it and it will shine even brighter and they will be filled up too.
Happiness is only real when shared – well it is certainly enhanced!
Lets explore this in more detail
How to share your happiness with your friends, family and partner?
if happiness is only real when shared then how do we go about sharing it?
Here are a few extremely simple but effective ways to show that happiness is real only when shared
- Smile – Well, a smile does not only make you look prettier and more welcoming but it also lifts your mood. Smiling is undoubtedly a subtle and soft way of sharing your happiness. So, when you are happy about something, smile. Smile at everyone.
They will smile back at you. This will only serve to make you feel even happier. And why not smile at a stranger too , you might also unknowingly brighten up their day as well.
Happiness is only real when shared – we;ll it most certainly is amplified
- Cook up a sharing feast – You might have just got your promotion or been proposed to you, or it may simply be your cold has ended or the sun is shining; you can share your happiness by cooking for others.
I love to eat well it always makes me smile and how wonderful it is to cook for an d to share food with somebody else too.. just a true pleasure
Sharing food that has been loving prepared is a great way to celebrate happy times and bring people closer together.
- Talk about it – . Talking about your happiness increases your satisfaction and levels up your happiness as well. When you share with your best friend about your special day or your A grade in your exam, you will find yourself beaming.
So, talk about your happiness far more than your worries and increase it in the process. Happiness is best when shared.
Conclusion – happiness is only real when shared or is it?
Happiness is only real when shared – a good friend is a friend in need and a friend indeed
Happiness is only real when shared – It does refocus us on the good
There is no doubt that happiness is increased USUALLY when it is shared. Sharing happiness and all the good things about our lives with our loved ones makes us feel more loved and happier. Reliving it and refocussing on joy gives it greater clarity and emphasis,
Talking to people about our happiness brings greater happiness that is a fact. but only when that other person is not bitter or jealous and is in fact happy for us.
I am so inspired by into the wild happiness is only real when shared is so important to consider.
And what about quiet private joys? Well let’s always remember they can be pretty spectacular too and that we need to make time for them so that they fulfil us and so that when we are a lone we know what to do to make ourselves happier and need never wait for someone to appear of for circumstances to change.
This is an important thing to teach our children too, hence my book Create your own happy.
Chris mccandless happiness quote stands corrected
So is happiness only real when shared? I would say no it is entirely possible to create and experience you own happiness, happiness when shared can be doubled but on it’s own can be pretty magical too. Happiness is better when shared is largely true but it is not the only way to experience joy. The happiness is only real when shared quote is initself incorrect.
Create your own … books by Becky Goddard-hill
My final thoughts on whether happiness is only real when shared
Happiness is only real when shared – I don’t agree. I think I would change this to
‘Happiness is lovely when it is shared but lovely too if it is just you!’
I know we are going to all think differently about this but to my mind it is really important that you can be happy by yourslef because just like Christopher, sometimes we truly are completely on our own
So is happiness only real when shared – What do you think? Is Happiness is only real when shared the truth? Over to you for your comments.
And have you checked out the happiness is only real when shared movie – Into the Wild?