Home » Holistic Wellbeing – 10 Ways to Find Balance in your Brilliant Life

Holistic Wellbeing – 10 Ways to Find Balance in your Brilliant Life

Holistic Wellbeing is growing in poularity 

Have you heard of Holistic wellbeing?

Maybe you heard about it but are not very well acquainted with this term perhaps you think it sounds a bit airy fairy and insubstantial?

In this article, we will discuss everything regarding Holistic wellbeing and you will come to see how it is actually really important part of getting the balance right in order to have a brilliant and beautiful life.


Holistic Wellbeing


What is Holistic Wellbeing?

Contemporary life sees a strong focus on self as we constantly chase our dreams and pursue what makes us happy. In line with this we have become increasingly aware of our health and how it correlates..

We have started to realise that we need our whole wellbeing to be in tact and aligned in order to lead our very best lives. 

Holistic wellbeing is about taking care of every aspect of life from emotional wellbeing, spiritual, mental to physical well being.


A holistic approach means to provide support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. The support should also consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. … A holistic approach focusses on a person’s wellness and not just their illness or condition. (nsw health


Holistic Wellbeing


The benefits of an holistic wellbeing approach

Through a healthy lifestyle, you can create a well-integrated well-balanced life.

A healthy lifestyle not only consists of eating healthy smoothies to stay fit, exercising a lot, or persuingg for dreams and ambitions.

A healthy lifestyle consists of every aspect of your inner self.

If a person is having emotional and spiritual turmoil but earning a lot of money, sleeping less, and working, life is out of kilter. A person should understand that making money is not only important. Prioritizing BOTH mental and spiritual health is required.

As Robert Urich said, ‘healthy inside will always define how much we are healthy outside.’    


Holistic Wellbeing


Human health is a state of harmony of the body, mind, and spirit together. Factors like physical wholesomeness, environmental healthiness, emotional wellbeing, and social soundness all of these factors define every person’s positive mindset.

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Let’s talk about holistic wellbeing in a more vivid and detailed way:


Emotional wellbeing is at the heart of holistic wellbeing 

Through processes like compartmentalization and emotional regulation, every human being can cope with their emotions better and prevent overwhelm..

Teaching children to open up and communicate regarding their emotions, anger, and thoughts to their teachers, mentors, and parents will help them regulate their emotions as they grow up.

Children who deal with anger, jealousy, and distress need support rather than punishment and they need to be taught lots of healthy ways in which to clam their body and their pmind and to keep persepctive.

This ways they learn how to productively manage their feelings and emotions rather than being aggressive  or overly anxious.

This is important for adults too – we all need to understand holistic wellbeing and to know how to calm down


Holistic Wellbeing

Holistic Wellbeing


Compartmentalization means to give focus to one particular emotion at a specific time because when human beings get overwhelmed with many emotions at one time, conflicts between heart and mind start and we feel confused, frustrated and yes, overwhelmed. learning to deal with feelings in a piecemeal fashion gives us more control. 


Staying Intellectually Active & Holistic Wellbeing

Well when we hear this word intellectual we naturally connect it to reading books, or writing, going through a journal or newspapers, sitting exams perhaps?

But staying intellectually active does not only means reading lots and lots of books, it’s more about  learning and experiencing new things.

Our minds are always hungry for further information and new creation and they love us to feed that!

Exploring new places, having conversations with people, and learning something from them, seeking wisdom through art, movies, theatre and study – our minds just love this and the more we feed them the more they crave.

We get a huge buzz and great pleasure from everything that inspires us to learn more and more. Holistic wellbeing feels so good.


Holistic Wellbeing

Holistic Wellbeing


Choose your social circle wisely- social & holistic wellbeing:

We need to choose all our social circles wisely online and offline.

Whatsapp, Facebook,  Snapchat, Twitter Instagram, or YouTube – these online platforms have become an integral part of our social life and they do bring connectivity but….  but they do not fulfill all human beings needs as social animals.

Spending time with close friends and partners, looking them in the eyes, hugging them, hearing thier voice these things matter and we emotionally, mentally attach ourselves to these people.

These people are the ones who continually strive to be the best version of ourselves.

That is why I stated choose your social circle wisely because toxic friendships and selfish partnerships will lead to  your anxiety, low self esteem and even depression thus absolutley affecting your holistic wellbeing.

Positive social interactions with our social circle conversely are a massive boost to our wellbeing That’s why people with trustworthy, strong friendships and partnerships stay more healthy and happier.

Friends who inspire us to improve ourselves and have lives filled with happiness are essential.  Care for our holistic wellbeing has to include our relationships 


Holistic Wellbeing

Holistic Wellbeing includes our relationships


Environmental Healthiness & Holistic Wellbeing

What have we done to our beautiful planet?

For so long humankind forgot the art of conservation of natural resources and continually misused every part of nature. We lost our synchronicity with it and we stopped loving it back.

It is time to re-find our place within it and show it some nurture. 

We can always start by planting a tree in our neighborhood or litter pick perhaps?  Even little initiative by one individual can bring a massive change by inspiring many more. Appreciating Mother

Nature’s natural resources will take you much closer to the wonder of nature and provide much greater harmony between you and your environment.


Occupational satisfaction & Holistic Wellbeing

Your holistic wellbeing matters so much in regard to your work.

Holistic Wellbeing

Holistic Wellbeing


The wrong choice of profession or career mentally, practically and physically hugely and devastatingly affects a person. When a person is not happy with what they are doing, it will negatively impact every life angle and aspect of their lives.

Jobs take up so much of our time.

A satisfactory job with a good working environment makes you less exposed to anxiety, depression, and stress.

Being paid properly for what you do really matters but a job or profession with good pay is not only the important factor in whether you are satisfied.

It is also important to develop your abilities as you  work and grow and thrive through your career.

If your co-workers are toxic or uncooperative, or if your boss or superiors frequently criticize your hard work and accomplishments, never let this knock you down.

Make a change when it’s needed, for your wellbeing, don’t absorb their toxicity but do remove yourself from it if this possible.


Spirituality and Holistic Wellbeing

Different people have another way of spirituality; some pray to god, work in churches, temples, and mosques to connect to the divine entity. And some people become spiritually positive through yoga, visiting divine places, and collecting wisdom.


Holistic Wellbeing

Holistic Wellbeing


Spirituality has its way of reaching people. Spiritual awakening makes you aware of feelings and thoughts in a productive way. Engaging yourself in a hobby or passion can be a way of spirituality.

Rediscovering new things about one can lessen suffering. Maybe it’s not possible for you to give time to your love and hobby regularly, but if you make time one day in a week for your love, it can boost your spirituality.

Holistic Wellbeing tells us:

Our spirituality defines our identity, our thoughts, and our existence. The connections we make with ourselves will always control how we deal with others.

So now we  understand what holistic wellbeing means, but we need to emphasize it and apply it into our daily lives.

Many things will happen, but we cannot let them control us. Dreams, ambitions, professions define our life, but it does not define our humanity.

In this world, everything is made of energy, the energy you radiate will come back to you.


Being truly happy with holistic wellbeing

When you are truly happy in every part of your life, you radiate positive energy.

If there is an imbalance between your emotions and body, life will feel so much more of a challenge. Involving a range of self-care practices will make us shine from both inside and outside.

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