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How Does Residential Architecture Impact Commercial Architecture?

Residential Architecture Impact Commercial Architecture


How Does Residential Architecture Impact Commercial Architecture?

It was Le Corbusier who said “A house is a machine for living in” – and he was, in essence, right. It’s a space that functions for us, in the same way a commercial workspace provides us somewhere safe to work. However, as our lifestyles and our work needs change, does his theory still hold? Is there more of a crossover between residential and commercial architecture than there once was?


Smart Technology plays a big part in residential and commercial architecture

Both private residences and commercial spaces rely a lot more on smart technology as a standard these days. Whether that’s thermostats, air conditioning, integrated technology or features like automatic window openers and security devices, we rely heavily on automated devices to help us live both at work and in our homes.

In this particular instance, commercial architects led the way and home designers followed. We now want the features that make our work life more comfortable to be in our homes, and to have appliances and technology that make life easier. We work long hours and therefore need our home life to be as adaptable as possible.


Residential versus commercial architecture

Planning the restructuring of a home will involve lots of different aspects of design to make it a comfortable, relaxing space to head to at the end of a long day, and for weekends. Your own design tastes will be very personal to you and not everyone else.

The same can be said, in a way, for commercial design. A company will be looking to create a workspace for its employees that enhances productivity, ensures staff have all their basic needs met, and ensures that they can stay healthy on the job. The design details and interiors will be personal to the company, with branding, logos, and statement pieces of furniture that let clients know they mean business.



Our work and home lives have changed more than we know


Over the last few years, our work lives and home lives have altered a lot. After long periods of home working, we’ve now shifted to adopting a more hybrid-remote way of working.

This means that employers have consequently had to adapt their workspaces to make them feel more relaxed and comfortable and commercial architects have had to come up with plans that take this into account.

Features that were once only seen in homes, such as rooms to relax in (often called breakout rooms in commercial spaces), better-equipped kitchens and restrooms, and a greater focus on making office spaces more homely are key.

Commercial architects are now tasked with ensuring spaces are lighter, brighter, and airier with lots of room to move around.

There are differences between residential and commercial architects

Of course, there are key differences between the two types of architecture. Both types of architects will still have to design structures that are fit for purpose.

However, a commercial architect will have to work around the large numbers of people who will walk in and out of a workplace every single day all of whom have differing needs and requirements. 

A residential architect will have to do the same, but usually for a smaller number of the same people who live in the home they’re designing. Of course, they’ll all have differing needs, but over time these aren’t likely to change to the same extent as a commercial space might.


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