How Minimalist Décor Can Improve Your Mental Health – let’s take a look
Did you know that your brain actually craves order and organization? It wants harmony and simplicity on the exterior to support the same things on the interior. In fact, some behavioral experts even think that a person’s home décor is a sign of their internal struggle, or lack thereof.
How Minimalist Décor Can Improve Your Mental Health
Chaotic surroundings can have a cumulative effect on a person’s mental health, meaning a cluttered or disorganized home may contribute to stress, anxiety, depression, or mood disorders. On the contrary, minimalist décor can help improve your mental health and prevent bouts of feeling blue.
5 things that clutter does to your mind
Good mental health is a key aspect of living a fulfilling and relaxed life. However, cluttered environments can be difficult for your mind to process. They drain your brain and make it more difficult for you to do the things you love. And these are five more effects that you may not be aware of yet:
#1. Reduced focus
A home that’s too cluttered can be difficult to live and work in even if you don’t have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Every item becomes an independent stimulus, creating brain synapses each time you acknowledge them. So, if you’re already deep in thought, something like that can completely derail your train.
#2. Increased ruminations
It’s hard to concentrate on other things when all the clutter is keeping you distracted. Instead of worrying about what’s important, you experience ruminations about the problem. According to Mind Diagnostics, people who live in chaotic environments often “press the bruise” until they find a solution or become complacent.
#3. Decreased memory
Did you know that chaos can trigger memory lapses? Based on studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), cluttered homes may contribute to the development of a divided consciousness. That means you could begin experiencing mood swings, nightmares, confusion, and professional problems as a result.
#4. Poor productivity
Speaking of professional problems, cluttered environments can make it more difficult to complete important tasks. This is especially true if you work from home or enjoy hobbies that require organization. Clutter tells the brain that there’s too much to do, so it often responds with urges to procrastinate.
#5. Lowered self-esteem – How Minimalist Décor Can Improve Your Mental Health
Living and/or working in a place that makes you feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable is hardly the ideal spot for self-assurance. Instead of feeling confident and capable, you usually end up feeling swamped and frustrated because there are too many things to micromanage. Thus, minimalist décor can actually boost your self-esteem if you let it.
While these issues can be major, there’s a way to avoid all of them. Using a minimalist approach to home and/or office décor is one of the best ways to ensure a happy, healthy, and productive life. However, it’s important to understand the underlying causes of a cluttered home to prevent it altogether.
The most common causes of clutter in the home
Life can be hectic, and there’s not always enough time to clean up. When you own a lot of little stuff, it doesn’t take long for the messes to become huge on busy days. Over time, that can create a muddled environment that’s extremely difficult to live, work, or play in.
Moreover, cluttered and disorganized spaces are sometimes caused by pre-existing mental health conditions or disorders such as depression, attention deficit disorder (ADD), or anxiety. They’re a clear call for better planning skills and more simplified decorations. Poor time management and behavioral habits are also a sign that minimalism is needed in the home.
What is minimalism & How Minimalist Décor Can Improve Your Mental Health
Minimalism can be summed up by saying “less is more.” It stems from ancient Buddhist and Greek philosophies on design and architecture wherein the surroundings were simplified and elegant. As such, minimalism generally refers to a particular lifestyle or décor theme that avoids the trappings of consumerism, with psychologically hygienic environs and voluntary simplicity.
3 ways minimalism in the home can improve your mental health
Bringing beauty into your home through simplified décor schemes and psychologically inspiring environments is essential to good mental health. In fact, here are three proven benefits to using minimalism in the home:
#1. It shows you what’s truly valuable in life.
Getting rid of all the clutter is a task, but it’s also an exercise in defining your priorities. You’ll be forced to reckon with some of your mental health issues while determining what can stay and what should go.
#2. It breeds more self-awareness.
Minimalist home décor removes all the distractions from your immediate perception, causing you to listen more attentively to your inner monologues and subconscious urgings.
#3. It reduces analysis paralysis.
Simplified surroundings make it easier for you to decide on things and create plans. That’s because minimalism stops you from becoming numb or paralyzed by all the contradicting options.
BONUS: Minimalism in the home can also boost your confidence by increasing the beauty of your property, thereby making it easier for you to feel inspired.
How Minimalist Décor Can Improve Your Mental Health – The takeaway
To get help rearranging your space, call a professional organizer or start making a minimalist layout. And if you need counseling for some of your mental health issues, reach out to a licensed clinical therapist for helpful insights and advice.
Marie Miguel – Author of How Minimalist Décor Can Improve Your Mental Health Biography
Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with
With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.