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How the weather affects your tyres

Let’s take a look at how the weather affects your tyres


How the weather affects your tyres


It is important that you know how weather affects your tyres

The change in weather has adverse effects on your car tyres – troubling your drive.  In order to ensure that you and your loved ones have a safe drive.  So it is really important that you are aware of what to look out for in regard to your tyres and how to take care of them for the best.


What to consider

Did you know that it is actually the air in your tyres is impacted by temperature and the pressure in your tyre is affected as a result of this? When it’s warm weather, the pressure is higher and when it’s cooler weather the pressure is lower. It makes sense when you think about it doesn’t it? Do check the pressure of your tyres at least monthly and more frequently in extreme temperatures to ensure you are driving safely. You may also want to change your tyres in winter as regular tyres can stiffen up when it’s cold or lose their grip when it has been raining.  Your tyres keep you safe and really do need your regular attention. Do take advice from an expert.


It’s so hot!

It has been so hot these past few weeks that it has quite thrown us here in the UK, hasn’t it. We tend to think of the heat  as a very good thing  but when it comes to our trees it really isn’t always  When you drive, the temperature of your tyres increases faster, consequently, the  air inside the tyres expands  due to rise in temperatures and its pressure rises quickly, this can lead to tyre blowout with disastrous consequences. Nobody needs that it can cause accidents /and or expense and it will most certainly cause stress. Let’s get those tyres checked!!


Where to get help

It is really important to have a local auto centre that you know and trust wherever you might live. For example, if you live in Northampton you could get new tyres from Calmac Tyres Autocentre. Just make sure you know where to go local to you then is good value and proficient. Now Northampton is fairly urban but if you were to live in a big city environment or out in the country the impact on your tyres would be very different. They may have to cope with a whole lot of bumpy roads in the countryside and in the city with many stops and starts. It is not just weather that affects them.

Do keep your eyes on them and have them checked regularly to ensure your tyres remain safe.


 How weather affects your tyres is a collaborative post – you may also like my post on why you must take care of your car

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