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How to Be Content – 3 Simple Tips to Make you Happier

How to be content – top tips to being more contentment into your life.


How to be content

How to be more content


How to Be Content –  3 simple tips to make life better for you

Are you wondering how to be more content?

Literally every human alive today on a constant search for happiness. We work hard and do everything we possibly can to get in touch with that blissful feeling of contentment and happiness, and more often than not, it seems way out of reach.

Here’s helping you find a little more of just that on your way- keep reading to discover some super simple ways to achieve them.

You can totally learn How to Be More Content. Here are some inspiring ideas that you might want to read and consider then have a go at putting into practice.


How to Be More Content

How to be more content



FAQ about how to be content with life


What is contentment?

Contentment is a feeling of relaxed wellness. it’s not having everything but it is being satisfied with what you do have

The dictionary definition is ‘a state of happiness and satisfaction.’


Should we strive for contentment?

Yes, our lives are precious and feeling dissatisfied will make us unhappy and restless and our feelings are contagious, finding contentment is important


How to be more content


Is it possible to find contentment and begin to learn how to be content each and every day?

Yes yes and YES! read on to find out how to be more content with life – it is most definitely worth the effort. And thats the first tip make the effort, focus, on contentment not on problems but on feeling good.

Energy flows where focus goes.

How to Be Content starts with knowing and focusing on that goal.


How to Be Content

how to be content


Keep a Gratitude Journal as a route to learning how to be content

Do you like to write? Even if you don’t a gratitude journal requires only simple lists and can be such an amazing tool. I do urge you to give this ago. It is easy peasy to put into practice and it can have dramatic effects.

This seemingly simple trick can literally work wonders in boosting your levels of happiness- that’s exactly why it is on the top of our list. Keeping a gratitude journal and noting down at least 10 things you’re grateful for every day can have a very positive impact on your brain and boost your mood.


How to Be More Content


How to be more content – what to be grateful for 

Maybe you want to say thank you for Alice in Wonderland wallpaper  may be for your little sister, perhaps for your new coat. Whatever you are grateful for – however quirky, just say thank you. A fabulous thing to take on board on your path to learning how to be more content – do you think you might give this a try. All you need is a teeny tiny bit of a time and a notepad!

 “Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” —Zig Ziglar


how to be more content

how to be content


Quotes on how to be more content

Sometimes the inspirational words of artists and philosophers, spiritual leaders and teachers, writers and leaders can guide us in the right direction. If you want to learn how to be more content it may be wise to take heed of their guidance:

Quotes on how to be content can really be very motivating

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

At some point, you gotta let go, and sit still, and allow contentment to come to you.      Elizabeth Gilbert

“The most valuable things in life are not measured in monetary terms. The really important things are not houses and lands, stocks and bonds, automobiles and real state, but friendships, trust, confidence, empathy, mercy, love and faith.”

I think this post on choosing you in 2021 will also really inspire you 



Even more quotes on how to be content ….

“My crown is in my heart, not on my head, Nor decked with diamonds and Indian stones, Nor to be seen: My crown is called content: A crown it is, that seldom kings enjoy.” Shakespeare


How to Be Content


“Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”  Mandino

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” ∼ Thornton Wilder

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” ∼ Doris Day

“I have learned that to be with those I like is enough”
― Walt Whitman

“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.”
― Noel Langley, The Wizard of Oz


How to be more content


“[F]or just one second, look at your life and see how perfect it is. Stop looking for the next secret door that is going to lead you to your real life. Stop waiting. This is it: there’s nothing else. It’s here, and you’d better decide to enjoy it or you’re going to be miserable wherever you go, for the rest of your life, forever.”
― Lev Grossman, The Magicians



There you go – that is how to be content! Be greatful, read inspiring words 

how to be content

Include a Little Self Care if you want to learn how to be content

Self-care is not selfish – it is exactly what it says on the tin it is self-care. And it is incredibly important. The only person you will take with you through every aspect of your life is yourself and you really do need to love and look after yourself and be in the very best shape you possibly can be.

If you are trying to figure out how to be more content then self-care is an obvious answer. It can absolutely make all the difference in the world!



Don’t ignore yourself on the quest how to be content

Most of us tend to completely ignore ourselves in the hustle-bustle of daily life. We don’t even consider how to be more content. We expect a lot from ourselves, overwork and eventually burn ourselves out.

Make it a point to engage in a little self-care in your daily life- it can be something as simple as spending 15 minutes alone, sipping on a cup of coffee, uninterrupted or taking a nice warm bath at the end of the day- just something that makes you feel at bliss.

I’ll say it again because it absolutely needs to sink in ….Self-care is definitely not selfish and it is a really great way to both rest and recharge. You cannot pour from an empty cup.

So have that long hot bath and take some time back just for you – you


how to be more content

How to be content


Saying no is the key to how to be content

Are you a yes person? – do you try and please absolutely everyone and wear yourself out in the process of doing so? You are going to have to change this isf you want to know how to be more content

There are somethings you can do about this but it can be hard to change an ingrained habit – you might find you need to keep practising until this stops being uncomfortable. Hard? yes it maybe but if you want to know how to be more content you are going to have to deal with uncomfortable a little bit.


how to be more content – know your boundaries


Don’t be hard on yourself – that’s how to be content

Avoid being too hard on yourself- say yes only to things you actually can do – that’s how to be more content. You need time for you so save your yes’s for yourself sometimes. You absolutely matter too (see above!) Trying to meet everyone else needs can be absolutely depleting. make sure you are charged up and full up of your own love and attention before you give your yes’s away to anyone that asks anything of you.

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”– Jean Shinoda Bolen


How to Be More Content


Be Passionate if you want to learn how to be more content

One of the best ways to keep the spark alive in your life, and find happiness and a sense of purpose is to always be curious and passionate. yes, this absolutely will also help you learn how to be more content – because life will feel richer and more meaningful Learn new things, explore new cities and keep yourself engaged.

Set goals and work hard towards them- the little things that you do today towards your goals will give you that inner sense of contentment that is hard to find elsewhere.


How to be content? Try falling in love

Love can be a heady rollercoaster but I’m not talking about that kind of love. I am talking about the kind of love that brings you peace, the love you might feel for a pet, a child, an old friend, and older relative – deep steady love. Does anything int he whole wide world ever make you feel as content as that



Sleep More if you want to be more content

Wait what – on the quest to how to be more content you need to sleep more ?

Yes, you read that right! Extensive research has confirmed that getting a good night’s sleep can make you much less sensitive to negative emotions and help you on the path of how to be more content

Plus, getting enough sleep has also been found to help increase productivity at workplace, boost mood and impact performance in more ways than one.


How to Be More Content


How to be content? Simples – Get Outside

Find a reason to step out of your home- being cooped up all day inside can make you feel sluggish and low, and in contrast, spending some time in the fresh air can significantly boost your levels of happiness, studies have found. Make it a point to spend some time outdoors every day- even if it is for a short period of time.

That’s how to be more content


How to be more content


Help Others  in a quest to learn how to be more content

There’s nothing better than helping others and spending your time and effort for a good cause when it comes to making you feel more happy and contented in life. Devote a few hours of your weekend towards social service- it can be any cause that you feel close to- just get out there and offer a helping hand to the less fortunate- you’ll feel a lot happier.



Take a rest if you want to know how to be content

“Take a rest. A field that has rested yields a beautiful crop.” – Ovid

Sometimes the answer is as simple as making sure you take a rest and cease the endless strive, strive, strive for a while.  For some people resting means a nap, for some, it means watching a much-loved movie and for others, it’s settling down for a time with a good book. Find out what works for you and bring more of it into your life.


Discover some brilliant life hacks on how to be content

There are lots of ways you can learn how to be more content and to make life simpler. These hacks are sometimes silly, sometimes creative and sometimes simply super smart.  Take a look here at my post on life hacks for busy parents to find inspiration


 Try gardening if you want to learn how to be content

We talked earlier about getting outside if you want to learn how to be more content but actually gardening is the thing to do when you are outside.

Did you ever wonder why it is that gardeners are such super relaxed and happy people and how it is the same so very zen? There are actually microbes in soil that make people happy.. isn’t that amazing? No wonder they know how to be more content


How to be more content

how to be more content


Scent is sent to teach you how to be content

And then, of course, there is the scent. scent can be deeply affective, herbs like lavender and mind have healing properties that can make us feel really chilled. And then, of course, there are flowers  – how can you feel anything but content when surrounded by the scent of big fat English roses?


how to be content


Gardeners are very wise – they know the secrets to how to stop being busy and how to be content 


how to be content

Have a look at my post on the easiest herbs to grow and how to creating a garden of tranquility in order to make for yourself a garden that brings you contentment


Books on how to be content

You might like to take a look at these books packed with guidance on how to be more content

Freedom Seeker: Live More. Worry Less. Do What You Love. by Beth Kempton

Freedom Seeker” is about a caged bird and how she sets herself free. It is a call to action based on one simple concept, that personal freedom is a choice. For so many people who feel trapped by circumstances, money, guilt, doubt, and fear, this is a revolutionary idea.

Happiness and How it Happens (Mindfulness) buy The happy Buddha

Happiness and How it Happens reveals how happiness—the state of being we all aspire to—is a natural state for us, and so is attainable for all. The Happy Buddha explores what happiness actually is and how we all can achieve it through the transformational practice of mindfulness meditation


how to be content books


More books on how to be content with life

Grow Your Own Happiness: How to Harness the Science of Wellbeing for Life – by Deborah Smith

Science tells us that happiness is 50% genetic, 10% circumstantial and 40% how we think and act. Which means that it is possible to increase our happiness by up to 40%.For anyone wanting to increase their wellbeing. Grow Your Own Happiness shows how positive psychology – the science of happiness- can be used every day


For teens

Be happy Be You – a teenage guide by Becky Goddard-Hill (ME!) and Penny Alexander

This positive and insightful guide gives you the tools to build your confidence, eliminate negative feelings and boost happiness in all areas of your life.Being a teenager has its own unique challenges, but it’s also the perfect time to shape your own mental wellbeing and happiness


be happy be you



You have to take action if you want to know how to be more content

I am sure all these books would help you learn how to be more content – but essentially (( and we all know this) it is about the actions to you take in your life. Knowing how to be more content is one thing – what you do with that knowledge is the key to unlocking a more peaceful and serene life for you


It isn’t easy but it is simple to learn how to be more content

So there you go – how to be more content – now you know. It does take a bit of effort and a bit of thought but you will reap the rewards in a bounty of ways, What brilliant role modelling too for your kids of a life lived well – if you know how to be content – they will also know how to be more content

 “A harvest of peace is produced from a seed of contentment.” Proverb


a seed of contentment


Further reading on emotional wellbeing and how to be more content

You can find more of my wellbeing blog posts here – you might especially like How to stop being busy

and do take a peek to learn how what changes you can easily make to improve your health and wellbeing and how to feel more excited about life

also my post on how to find peace when you can’t stop thinking

and how writing a journal improves mental health

How to cope when life is overwhelming


how to be content

how to be more content


Final words on how to be more content

I hope you feel more certain now in the quest how to be more content  and that  knowing how to be more content really is in your own,  very capable hands.

So there you go – How to be more content.

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