Home ยป How to DIY the perfect space for your pup

How to DIY the perfect space for your pup

Whether you’re a new puppy owner or are just looking to upgrade the living area for your current four-legged friend (or friends!), you don’t have to spend a lot of money making the perfect space for your pup. With these quick DIY tips, you can create an amazing little area for your furry friend that they’ll love spending time in all hours of the day.


DIY the perfect space for your pup


Pick your space – How to DIY the perfect space for your pup

Since the outside is already your dog’s own domain, you’ll need to pick somewhere inside for a designated spot. Your first point of call is deciding whether you want to dedicate an entire room to your pooch, or instead break off a smaller part of your main living space

It’s best to choose a space that’s relatively quiet and not frequented by lots of family members; although dogs are social creatures and would benefit from having a space near a family room, they must be also far away from foot traffic to have some alone time if they want.

Stuck for ideas of where to plant your pooch? What about:

  • Converting the garage into a puppy zone
  • Making use of wasted space under the stairs
  • Giving your laundry room a second purpose 
  • Creating an entirely separate bedroom for your furry friends!

DIY the perfect space for your pup


Add furniture

Once you’ve decided on the perfect area, you need to fill it with furniture that your dog will feel comfortable in and will entertain them for all hours of the day. Staple items include:


Dog-proof the area

Young rambunctious pup or mellow older pooch, it’s just as important to make the area safe by dog-proofing the environment. As well as checking the batteries in your home’s smoke alarm and carbon monoxide monitor, here are 5 other essential things to do to keep your furry friend out of harm’s way:

  1. Tape down electrical cords (or equally hide them behind furniture and out of the way)


  1. Store cleaning materials in a different room that they can’t access 


  1. Remove rubbish bins (or replace them with dog-proof models like touch-free bins)


  1. Adjust your thermostat so it’s at a comfortable temperature and make sure you constantly monitor the heating nearby


  1. Put shoes, clothing, and children’s toys away so your dog can’t get to them when you’re not around.

Creating an inviting space for your pooch can be easy (and doesn’t have to cost the earth) with these simple DIY tips. By giving your furry friend their little area just to themselves, you can make sure they feel truly relaxed (and happy) in your home.



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