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How to find the right contractor for your home

How to find the right contractor for you home is a tricky question.

Whether you are looking for an electrical contractor a plumber, a team of decorators, building renovators or even gardeners who you choose can make such a huge difference to the finished results. I am after great  value, great vice, great time keeping and a fabulous end product so picking the right provider is crucial.


How to find the right contractor


So how do you go about choosing how to find the right contractor for your home

I took a quick poll on Facebook and here’s how most of my friends choose their contractors:



Ah Google is often our friend when we come to finding service providers but I am always a little bit wary. Ads can be paid for and just because  a contractor  comes up high on search does not mean they provide the best service, it might just mean they have a great marketing agency,


Asking around

Asking friends, doing a shout out on Facebook, quizzing the school mums are all ways to find some recommendations for services you need. Might they just be recommending their neighbours and friends though?



Researching various options, asking for quotes and testimonials is a smart way to shop around for a contractor, but it is time consuming.

There are various options and there are positives to all of them. A mixture of the three might be actually the best approach.  I tend to ask sensible people who I know really value their money and their property.  I also like to use someone who comes highly recommended to me and who someone else has actually used rather than simply know about. This enables me to assess them as trustworthy.


How do you go about finding people to work on you home? What is the most important thing you look for? Do let me know in the comments below.



How to find the right contractor for your home is a collaborative post




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