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How to Get Rid of Fat on Arms

How to get rid of fat on arms – lets take a look at some top tips. 

Mine really annoys me it is wobbly and unsightly and affects what I wear. I lost a lot of muscle tone whilst in hospital for 2 months earlier this year and I need to rebuild it. So much so I have sprung into action and I am finally doing something about it.

I’m finally figuring out how to sort it out. 

I have just read a great post on the blight of bingo wings and it has inspired me to take action. 



How to get rid of fat on arms

Eating well is key if you want to know how to get rid of fat on arms


How to get rid of fat on arms – the problem

It’s bad habits that cause arm fat at in a lot of cases – eating junk food, being lazy, sleeping the day away, waking up till late, skipping meals, and many more.

People think that the major reason for becoming fat is because of the overeating that we do or the way we treat ourselves with food. Whilst there is truth in this there are other factors too.

In this article, we are mainly going to focus on unwanted arm fat.

If like me, you are tired of unwanted arm fat and want to know how to get rid of fat on arms then I hope this helps you.


How to Get Rid of Fat on Arms – the solution

And are you looking for the type of exercise that helps you lose arm fat? If yes, then welcome on board, we have a list of 5 easy exercises to show you how to get rid of fat on arms

Gym bunnies might already know these exercises, but if you are a beginner, and want to start with something simple then these arm exercises are indeed recommended.



How to Get Rid of Fat on Arms


  How to get rid of fat on arms – 5 simple exercises#

  1. Push ups:

Push ups are one of the simplest exercises you can start with. Initially, start with 5-10 push ups daily, and increase your iterations slowly. If you are doing push ups for the first time, do it slowly. Also, make sure you are doing it with an accurate posture.

If you are not able to get into the correct posture, then you can take the help of videos, or you can take guidance from your mates who do it regularly.


  1. Weight lifting to get rid of fat on arms

Weight lifting can be a bit risky if not done under proper guidance. If you are a beginner, you should start with 2 kg weight, and increase your weights slowly. If you will instantly hop on to 5 kgs or 10 kgs, you might end up hurting your arms.  

Weight lifting does not only help you to lose your arm fat but it can burn the fat from the whole body. Weight lifting exercise is also known by the name of resistance lifting, as it is done against a force. By doing this exercise, you eventually increase your muscles and your body strength.


How to get rid of fat on arms

How to Get Rid of Fat on Arms

  1. Cardio – How to Get Rid of Fat on Arms

Cardio exercises like Zumba, treadmill, cycling, swimming, jumping, and more increase your heart rates and burn calories. Losing arm fat becomes quite easy if you daily do cardio for at least 40-minutes.

For beginners, a session of 10-20 minutes would be recommended followed by increasing the cardio timings gradually every week.


4. How to get rid of fat on arms?  Bicep Curls

Are you looking for some exercise that you can do at your home without hitting the gym? Bicep curls is the one you must start doing. All you have to do is buy a pair of dumbbells. You can easily get a pair of dumbbells from amazon or a shop that sells gym equipment.

If you are a beginner, go with a pair of 2 kgs, and if exercise is in your routine already then you can choose the weight as per your requirement.


  1. Pull down:

Pull down exercise is highly recommended for losing arm fat. The best way to do this exercise is by using a pull-down machine. In this exercise, you need to move your hands towards your chest by pulling the rod.

If there is no option of using pull-down machines in front of you then you can try doing the pull-ups, it is also highly effective for losing arm fat.


Exercise is how to get rid of fat on arms

When you do exercise, your entire body loses energy, and so fat gets burned. This is why exercise is the way to get rid of fat on arms.

If you are starting exercise, then you need to be doing it regularly to get the best results! On the other hand, you need to also focus on the regular routine that you follow.

When you start doing the exercise, you won’t see the result in a week or two, it will take months! 

All you have to do is, keep yourself motivated and keep doing the exercise without giving up.

How to get rid of fat on arms


A Few Points to Remember When You Exercise:

  • Do not go beyond your limit and hurt yourself.
  • Do not take a break of 1 to 2 weeks from your exercise. A break of 1 day or 2 will be fine.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.
  • Focus on body posture.
  • Don’t start with random weights.
  • Check with your GP if you have any health concerns about how to get rid of fat on arms


Frequently Asked Questions on how to get rid of fat on arms


Que: Is a proper diet important while doing exercise?

Ans: A healthy diet is still important if you want to lead a happy healthy life and get the most out of your exercise



Que: In how many days I will see results?

Ans: Exercise is not magic! After starting you have to keep yourself committed towards it only then you will start seeing results in a d few weeks or more and it will vary form person to person


Que: Can I take supplements?

Ans: It depends upon what kind of body you want. If you just want to maintain a good shape, and remain healthy, then a high-protein diet would be enough.


Que: Is it compulsory to hit the gym?

Ans: It is not compulsory to hit the gym. There are thousands of exercises you can do at home to help you in the process of how to get rid of fat on arms


Que: I don’t have any trainer, what should I do?

Ans: If you want to take the assistance of some professionals who run their own yoga centre or exercise firm, you can watch online videos many of which are free.


How to get rid of fat on arms

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Further reading on from how to get rid of fat on arms

I do hope you ave found these tips on how to get rid of fat on arms to be useful.

If you did firn d this post on how to get rid of fat on arms  to be useful you might also like my posts on fitness on a budget and on how to meet your weight loss goals and on on how to get yourself motivated to work out


 A how to get rid of fat on arms workout



Juts 20 days of workouts plus diet and focus and you really could have those toned arms that you dream about. Why not give it a go you will feel STRONG! and that is a great things to feel.

Let me know how you get on if you decide to try this workout. i am juts beginning and i am finding it touch but good! 



Over to you

How to Get Rid of Fat on Arms – do you have any advice – if so please share in the comments below 




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