Wondering how to help a Socially Awkward Child? We have some great tips in this post to help you help shy and socially awkward kids feel more comfortable in social situations. A must read for parents and teacher alike
Making friends and socializing with people doesn’t always come easy to everyone, and some kids have more trouble doing that than others. If you’re confused about what to do to help your child develop those crucial social skills that he will need in his adult life, here’s a bit of help.
Definition of a socially awkward child
‘an individual excessively afraid of social interaction due to some form of peer rejection or personal choice. Presenting a form or different forms of uncomfortability when around others.’ (urban dictionary)
How to Help a Socially Awkward Child
How to help a socially awkward child
Read on to discover how to make your shy kid become more social, without forcing him into it.
Hosting Play Dates
A quick and easy way to get your child to talk to and interact with those of his age is to host playdates at your home. This way, your little one has the comfort of your presence and his home, and at the same time, he’ll get the chance to share his ideas and express himself in front of a (sort of) stranger.
How to help a socially awkward child – Get Them Out For Activities
Another excellent way to get your child to interact more with those around him without forcing him into it is to get him out to play or enroll him for a class he’s interested in. A simple walk in the local park or an art class for kids can really take things up a notch, and help your little one mingle with those who share a common ground.
“So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in them.”
― Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose and Diary Excerpts
How to Help a Socially Awkward Child by Programming them For Social Settings
If your little one tends to avoid social settings due to anxiety, this little trick can help. Before pushing him to get out and interact with others, you can try getting him ready for the occasion beforehand by explaining the possible situation there, the people that your socially awkward child could possibly encounter, the conversations that could happen, and how they could easily react and adjust to it all.
Set Achievable Goals is how to help a Socially Awkward Child
If you suspect your little one has trouble in social settings due to low self esteem or lack of confidence, setting small goals for him and encouraging him to hit them can do the trick. When your little one is able to accomplish those tiny tasks, there’s an obvious boost in his mood and confidence levels, and that, in turn, can help him talk to people more effortlessly.
pin how to help a Socially Awkward Child
Encourage Them to Ask Questions – How to Help a Socially Awkward Child
Encourage your little one to ask questions– either through role-playing or other activities. Doing this is another effective way to get your child to learn how to make conversation, and in turn, help him socialize too!
Setting Limitations is key to how to help
Last, but not least, set limitations on yourself when it comes to teaching or encouraging your child to be social. You might be doing it for all the good reasons, but if you’re being pushy, it could quickly backfire.
Take it easy and give your child the time to blend in and adjust being overzealous ill simply overwhelm them and you really need to take a baby steps approach towards this and little by little things will start to bloom.
It is all about nurturing and helping your child bloom and grow and be their most compfortable and confident self.
How to Help a Socially Awkward Child feel Calmer
I do hope you have found this post on how to help a socially awkward child useful. Do grab yourself a copy of my new book Create Your own Calm which is packed full of ways to help kids feel more relaxed and manage their fears
Over to you & your tips on how to Help a Socially Awkward Child
How to help a socially awkward child? Do you know? Do drop me a comment below I love to hear your suggestions or any comments form you relating to this. It is lovely to share our experiences and be able to support each other to the very best of our abilities – that is what a positive parenting community is all about
A final reflection on supporting a shy child
Discovering how to help a Socially Awkward child is an important thing to learn. Life can be so painful when you are a shy child and if we can help them through that what a gift we have given. Shy kids have just as much ot offer the world as confident kids and it woudl be such a shame if they never