How to Make the Most of your Stairways
Do you ever even think about your stairways?
I am talking about the steps to your front door and the steps out to your back garden, the steps to your first floor and steps to your loft. Do you ever consider them or are they always absolutely last on your makeover list?
I’m guessing if not last they are probably pretty far down?
How to Make the Most of your Stairways
First and foremost take a good look at them: are they threadbare, scuffed, rotten, cracked, old fashioned and generally letting your home design down. If they are it is time to take some action and start to make them shine.
Repairs & Maintenance
Now you can probably re-stain a varnished stair or maybe oil a few creaks yourself. You can certainly paint your stairs and give them a really good clean. But it your stairs are a hazard you do want to look at get them properly fixed. Falls, even down a short set of stairs can result in nasty injuries and you would just feel terrible if it happened to a visitor to your home!
How to Make the Most of your Stairways with Balustrades
How about designing your own balustrades and handrails to create an absolutely bespoke look to your staircase? A balustrade is of course the railing system that encloses both or one side of a staircase. Making your stairways work seamlessly with your home will give you a really cohesive look.
Alternately you could go for something really quirky or different to make a style statement. My favourite look right now is steel and glass, I just think the minimalist and modern aesthetic it brings to a staircase looks super stylish.
Unusual stairways
Although it often gets forgotten, with a little bit of thought you really can make a feature of your stairways.
Perhaps you could paint each step a different colour. Maybe you could invest in a super cool spiral staircase to maximize the space in your home and increases the curves? Maybe you could build some storage into you stairs?
A little bit of out of the box thinking in regard to your stairways will make you care about them a whole lot more.
See through stairs, carpeted stairs, wooden or painted stairs,vinyl stairs or even tiled stairs – you have so many options to make your stairways look beautiful and part of your home design vibe.
Maybe it is time you gave them more than a passing glance.
How to Make the Most of your Stairways – final thoughts
If you are in the Manc area and in need of a stairlift, do take a look at reconditioned stairlifts in Manchester.
How to Make the Most of your Stairways is a collaborative post