Home » How to make time for self-care and personal progression in summer 2021

How to make time for self-care and personal progression in summer 2021

How to make time for self-care – is this something you have explored?

After a long and testing winter (and spring, autumn, summer, and the previous spring too…) we’re all a little worn out. Now, some people have been able to grasp on to being stuck at home with both hands and use it as a catalyst for introducing healthy self-care into their lives, but let’s be honest, lots of us haven’t!

That’s completely understandable, of course, but with the world easing back into normality, our social lives returning, and the sun finally shining, now is the perfect time to make time for self-care and personal progression. Here’s how.


Set yourself goals – How to make time for self-care

Are there things in your life you’d like to change? Maybe you want to learn a new skill or change your outlook on life or you want to start having regular visits with a physician and a reliable dentist in Irvine? However, you see yourself progressing, setting yourself goals is the best way to get there.

If in doubt of how, use SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based goals that go beyond what you’d like to do, and are geared towards actually happening.

Come up with a few goals – short and long term, across your personal life, hobbies, career, or finances, for example – then make time each day to develop them.

Waking up one hour earlier or beavering away on your goals after work is a good idea, as well as keeping a journal of your progress so you can see how far you’ve come. 


How to make time for self-care


Exercise regularly

This is an obvious one, but now the weather is warming up, it’s much easier to crack than during winter.

Exercise is key to maintaining healthy mental well-being and is a key part of good self-care. It’s been shown to make you more productive and can help you focus and be more creative too. However you get your heart rate up is completely up to you.

Jog, go for a long walk in amongst nature, or learn a new skill like pilates – not all exercise is high-intensity or tied to the gym!



How to make time for self-care and personal progression in summer 2021


Avoid injury at work

Lots of us have been stuck at home remote working for well over a year now, but even at home, we can hurt ourselves. Accidents can have long-term ramifications, so it’s important you continue to keep your home a safe place to work, and your employer continues to provide you with the tools to do so.

What’s more, if you’ve been injured at home while remote working, know that you can also make a claim to help you get back on your feet. If your employer hasn’t helped you make your environment suitable for work, foster your mental wellbeing, or given you the tools do perform your role, they could be liable.

If that sounds like your situation, use a claims calculator to see what the benefit might be if you do choose to claim. It could help you improve your mental wellbeing in the long run.


Step out of your comfort zone – How to make time for self-care

If you’re like us, you have been safely nestled within your comfort zone for the best part of 12 months. As the world gets safer though, and once get vaccinated, it’s important to push your boundaries and experience more of life.

Take small risks, conquer your fears, and make yourself do things you’ve never done before. If it doesn’t go to plan, that’s okay, but you will have learned more and widened your experiences, and likely become a stronger person because of it.


How to make time for self-care and personal progression in summer 2021 is a feature post 

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