How to Rebuild your Relationship with Someone Who Hurt You – lets take a look at some really useful, healing strategies.
How to Rebuild your Relationship with Someone Who Hurt You
Hmmm . do you wonder how to Rebuild your Relationship with Someone Who Hurt You? Pretty tricky hey – I bet at some time you have all wondered How to Rebuild your Relationship with Someone Who Hurt You?
There’s nothing worse than getting hurt by someone who you’re close to, someone you trust. More often than not, when you’re hurt by that person, you would want to shut off and get away from that person, but is it really what you would want to do in the long run?
Here’s helping you understand how to rebuild your relationship with someone who has hurt you, and be happy with them again.
How to Rebuild your Relationship with Someone Who Hurt You
Forgive & Try to Forget
Pretty straightforward right? Forgiveness is the key to making relationships work and though it is easier said than done, it is often the only thing that works in getting two people close together once again.
Learn to forgive both- people and yourself for the mistakes that are made, and move on.
That doesn’t mean you can let people walk all over you though- keep your stand and be firm on it, but don’t hold on to the anger and pain for too long.
How to Rebuild your Relationship with Someone Who Hurt You
Ditching Perfection is How to Rebuild your Relationship with Someone Who Hurt You
Sure, the person who’s hurt you may be close to you, and they may have screwed up royally, but realize and accept this that there’s no one on the Earth who is perfect. Everyone of us, yourself included, slips and makes mistakes from time to time.
Sometimes we too, hurt the ones we love and often, we don’t even realize that we did. That’s the beauty of us- we’re humans. Once you realize and accept this, you’ll find it much easier to forgive the person.
Perhaps you might want to try therapy?
Assessing your Boundaries
Try to find the middle ground with not just the person who’s hurt you, but also with other people in general. After you’ve been hurt and let down by someone who’s close to you, you might lose trust and faith in everyone else too.
Doing this can make you more prone to lashing out at the wrong people at the wrong time, and will most likely mess up your other relationships too. Instead, this time, remember to pay attention to your feelings and intuitions and set clear boundaries with that person and everyone else.
Decide what you can tolerate and what you can’t and don’t hesitate to take bold steps and cut people out of your life who don’t value you based on your worth.
Open Up to Happiness in order to rebuild your relationship with someone who hurt you
If you’ve chosen to accept and forgive the one who’s hurt you, it is now time to let go of those bitter feelings and open yourself up to more positive and happy experiences both with that person and life in general.
Remember that relationships aren’t easy to handle, and sometimes people screw up, but that’s not the end of the world- you have so much more to discover, learn and experience.
Take the lead and try to find happiness instead of holding onto the pain and living with it.
Pin how to rebuild your relationship with someone who hurt you for later…
Further reading on How to Rebuild your Relationship with Someone Who Hurt You
So now you know How to Rebuild your Relationship with Someone Who Hurt You if that’s what you really want to and choose to do ( be careful!)
You could always have a go at the Karma Calculator and see what goodwill you are due!
How to Rebuild your Relationship with Someone Who Hurt You – Over to you
Have you ever rebuilt a tricky and damaged relationship. if you have I would love to hear from you. Perhaps you could drop me a comment below and share your story with me and of course your top tips if it worked out! I believe in this life turning to each other for support and/ or advice is one of the most healing thisngs we can do.
If someone hurt you I am sending you a hug. It will get better.