Today – How writing a journal improves mental health
Oh my god I have to tell you this Otto Hutt roller ball pen is a dream to write with!
Writing as therapy – for me
I have always known, write from being a young child that writing is therapeutic for me ( well I probably didn’t know that BIG word I probably just knew it made me happy),
I have continued to write all my life. I write letters and stories, poetry, memories thoughts and books and of course my many blogs. When I write I feel I have emptied out my ideas, my thought, my creativity and I feel that I have either left them somewhere safe so they can come to life on their own, or I feel I have emptied my frazzled mind and bought myself some peace.
Writing is really important to my mental health
In my teens and early 20’s, I kept a heartfelt diary. It was full of angst and love and memories and Oh how I wish I still had it today. I would love to read it all back over and understand myself a little better. Don’t ever throw your diaries away would be my advice – just keep them safe!
Anyway I could write on and on about my love of writing but actually, I have some research and some tips to share with you today on how writing a journal improves mental health
The #LoveyourLife campaign & How writing a journal improves mental health
Gorgeous pen and stationery emporium Pen Heaven have just launched their #LoveYourLife campaign, urging the nation to write a journal for ‘better peace of mind and a happier, healthier you.’
This is a campaign I could totally get behind as I agree with its message wholeheartedly – how writing a journal improves mental health
Championing writing by hand, and in particular keeping a journal, the #LoveYourLife campaign impresses the importance of making time for yourself, starting with just a few minutes every day
Pen Heaven describe journaling as a way to declutter your mind and I love that – I think that is exactly what journalling does!
A journal like this Leuchtturm 1917 is just a delight to write in – also available from Pen Heaven
How to get the most from daily journalling
Pen Heaven offers these tips to ensure you get the very most from journaling
- Bring your heart into your writing, not just your mind, to help your words hold more substance
- To achieve a zen-like state, completely immerse yourself in your writing – that means taking yourself away from any distractions, such as your phone, tablet, internet…
- Allow your mind and text full freedom without restriction
- Relax, collect your thoughts, then write them all down in a personal manner that is easy to remember and refer to at a later stage
- Make a to-do list every morning and every evening tick completed tasks, whilst prioritising new ones for the following day – this will help you sleep better
- Take at least 10 minutes EVERY day to write down your thoughts
To further emphasise the importance of journaling for mental wellbeing, Pen Heaven are donating 10% of sales from their Green Palmi Grained Leather Journal, £22, to dedicated mental health charity, Mental Health Foundation
How writing a journal improves mental health
Well I can tell you how it works for me but I would say if you really want to know how writing a journal improves mental health then get yourself a notepad and pen and give it a go
I hope you have enjoyed this post on how writing a journal improves mental health – thanks to Pen Heaven for gifting me the pen and notebook featured
Further reading on How writing a journal improves mental health
If you have found this post on how writing a journal improves mental health you might also like my post on how to be more content
and how writing a journal can help kids
Over to you
Do let me know if journalling is something you do and if you find it has benefits for your own mental health and wellbeing and in what way – you might also like my post on how to be more content