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How You Should Handle A Head Injury

Head injuries are serious issues that you need to take caution with. There will be severe head injuries requiring immediate medical attention that you need to take seriously. This article will cover how you should handle a head injury, giving you relevant advice about what you should do and what you should know. Let’s get started.



Get It Checked Straight Away

It is imperative that you do not dismiss any head injury. While it may feel like it was only minor, it is often said there is no such thing as a minor head injury. Of course, you will have bumps and knocks, but if you feel you have had a significant impact or are unsure, then it will be best to get it checked immediately.

This could involve going to A&E to get something looked at straight away or phoning up your local doctor to book an appointment. Waiting times can put people off, but there are solutions to help you get seen sooner rather than later. This could involve you signing up to your local GP or even looking into private healthcare.

More and more Britons are turning to private healthcare due to waiting times. It may be worth your time to contact a private healthcare provider or seek private health insurance to get issues like a head injury dealt with as soon as possible. That’s not to say that the quality of the service provided by private centres is better, just that it may get you through the door quicker. Hopefully, waiting times will reduce, and everyone can be seen as soon as possible.

A doctor may just have a look and feel your head and gauge your reaction, but if they suspect there is a serious issue, then they will arrange for an MRI scan or something similar that will have a more in depth look at your head and your brain. If it’s someone else involved, you should try and support them by coming with them. This will help them feel reassured and not alone.


Seek Additional Support

You should look into what additional support could be available to you. This could come in a few different forms depending on what you’re looking for. For example, you could look to speak to friends and family members that you trust so that you can lean on them for support. They could help you around the house while you’re recovering or give you the social action you are craving.

Support could also come in financial means. The head injury may have been caused by an accident that wasn’t your fault, and it could have meant you are out of work for a while, or have long-term damage that you will have to deal with. It will be best for you to speak to a solicitor to find out your options and see what support you can get, it could help you with claiming for a head injury.

A solicitor who specialises in head and brain injury compensation will be best positioned to provide you with relevant advice. Quittance Legal Services can assist you with a head injury claim and talk with you about your potential options. If you, or someone you know, has had their life affected by a head or brain injury, then you could be entitled to compensation. This compensation could be very beneficial when it comes to support.


How You Should Handle A Head Injury


General Head Injury Advice

When you have had a head injury or concussion, there will be general advice and things that you could do that can help. If in doubt, it is always a good idea to speak to an expert and call a doctor to make sure there is nothing that needs immediate medical attention.

Otherwise, if you’ve banged your head or suffered a concussion, or someone you know has, then there are things that you can do. For example, you can hold an ice pack, or something that is frozen or very cold, onto the area that has suffered trauma. Doing this for intervals shortly after the accident happens can help with reducing swelling.

There is advice available from the NHS that covers some options for you. They recommend you rest up as much as possible and try to avoid situations which lead to stress. You can also take paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve pain, especially headaches. This could only be a temporary solution, but it will help.

Concussions can sometimes last for a couple of weeks, so you should ensure you are getting expert medical help if issues persist. Always contact a doctor or go to the hospital if you are concerned. Follow the advice outlined throughout this article and you will be better prepared to deal with a head injury, whether that be your own or someone elses.


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