Home » 10 Best I AM Affirmations for Confidence & Powerful Self-Esteem

10 Best I AM Affirmations for Confidence & Powerful Self-Esteem


I Am Affirmations for confidence building are an amazing way to build yourself up.


I Am Affirmations for Confidence

I Am Affirmations for confidence


The power of words and in particular I AM Affirmations for confidence

Do you believe in the power of words? If not, you’ll be quite surprised to know how powerful words can be. They can literally change your life by changing your mindset.

How many times have you believed in yourself because someone else told great things about you? Do you feel the shift of energy when you speak positively about yourself? Ever wondered how it happens though?

Let me make it super simple here. The words we speak to ourselves hold a great momentum which can either make us or even break us. When you continuously speak ill about yourself, you really cannot believe in whatever things you do.

There will be this monstrous voice inside of your head that will always nudge you whenever you’re about to create a change or bring joy into your lives.

We surely do not ever wish to live such life and hence here comes the role of magical mantras which will definitely save you from negative self-talk.

These magic mantras or the statements are what we refer to as ‘Affirmations’ I am affirmations are especially powerful ad Affirmations for Confidence are something we ALL need.


I Am Affirmations for confidence

I Am Affirmations for confidence

Be Confident Be You


This positive and insightful guide gives you the tools to build your confidence, overcome low self-esteem, and embrace opportunities in all areas of your life.

My new book con confidence isn’t just for teens its for anyone needing a confidence boost.

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The two things you have the power to control in life are your thoughts and your actions. This is great news because these both have a huge impact on how your life turns out. Change your thoughts and you change your world.

There are tons of ideas to try from practising positive self-talk, to making a coping kit and tackling fears, plus you’ll learn the science behind why they work. Carry out the activities by yourself or with family and friends and take your confidence into your own hands!

You might also like these morning affirmations for kids


What actually are ‘ I am Affirmations for Confidence?

‘Affirmations’ are the positive statements that affirm or state something that is true. It usually starts with the phrase, ‘I am’. So whenever we speak to ourselves initiating with these powerful words, ‘I AM’, we are actually instilling positivity into our subconscious.

The words we say to ourselves have a great impact on our lives. Happiness is a choice. These positive I am affirmations for confidence can be so powerful that it will energize you to do even the impossible.

I always use these affirmations or positive statements during my journaling session. It helps me end my journaling with a positive note and a strong self-belief.

These affirmations should be practised regularly to notice the gradual change. Sometimes, all you need is to believe in yourself to bring the change and let the magic unfold itself. These affirmations will work as a positive pep talk that you give to yourself even during the rough times and super bad days of life.

Let’s check out some powerful I am affirmations for confidence that when practised regularly could also bring a change in your life:


I Am Affirmations for confidence

I Am Affirmations for confidence


I Am Affirmations for Confidence

  1. I am able to do everything I set my mind to.
  2. I am healthy, I am stable, I am sound. My body is in excellent shape and my mind is at ease. I accept my flaws and embrace the totality of who I am.
  3. I am forgiving myself for all the hurt I gave to myself.
  4. I am a walking miracle and I am here to bring a change.
  5. I am talented. I have been gifted with endless skills that I hone each day
  6. I am self-sufficient and so much enough for myself.
  7. I am always being guided and protected by the Supreme power.
  8. I am happy and I choose joy over everything else today
  9. I am always so loved and appreciated, admired by everyone who matters to me.
  10. I am worthy of receiving incredible gifts from the Universe.

Speak these loudly and proudly the universe and you need to hear them.


I AM Affirmations for Confidence

I Am Affirmations for confidence building


How do I Am Affirmations for confidence actually work?

When these positive statements are repeated daily, they vibrate the positive energy and make you aware of your inner-self.

Be mindful while practising these I am affirmations for confidence and I’m so sure that they will create a total mindset shift bringing in the positive change in your life.

Positive affirmations for kids can also be super powerful


I AM Affirmations for Confidence

I Am Affirmations for confidence


What do you think of I Am Affirmations for Confidence

Do let me know in the comments regarding your take on these I am affirmations for confidence

I hope you have found these I Am Affirmations for Confidence to be useful do leyt me know how you get on with them if you decide to give them a go.

Do you have any I Am Affirmations for confidence building to share with me or add to my list – I would love to hear if you just drop me a comment below 



As is our confidence, so is our capacity.

William Hazlitt


Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself.



Confidence isn’t optimism or pessimism, and it’s not a character attribute. It’s the expectation of a positive outcome.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter


More I AM affirmations for confidence


Further reading on I am affirmations for confidence

Powerful morning affirmations for kids 

Law of attraction affirmations

Inspiring self-esteem quotes

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