Home » Ideas for a stylish and practical home office

Ideas for a stylish and practical home office

Ideas for a stylish and practical home office

As a blogger my work is based at home and my office consists of a small corner of the kitchen. It needs to be really practical to meet my multi blog needs and it also needs to look stylish as it is in a very public place.

Here are some of my top tips to achieving this:

Have one notebook you love and use it for many things. You do not need a huge piles of notebooks, they simply topple over and you lose where you have written things, plus they will not get fully used before you tire of them -then you will buy more and your pile will grow.

One good notebook you are happy to use and fill to the end will look good and save you on space.

notebook pink, stylish and practical home office

A noticeboard that meets your needs and looks fabulous too will be a really useful addition to a home office, Have a look at these bright rainbow coloured noticeboards and glassboards from Teacherboards  I just love the cheery colours! felt noticeboardSome office tidys are a must , not only will they look great but they will keep you in order!

A desk you love is very important and it needs to meet you practical and aesthetic requirements. I had my little white desk made for me and it is exactly right for my corner.  I write more about my personal blogging space here

practical home office

I have been writing about ergonomic chairs yesterday and comfy and practical really can be stylish too. Do check your hair is good for your posture and right for you!

And last, but not least, do give yourself lots of good  light to work from, lighting can be seriously stylish  and great for your mood too, loving this pickle lamp

pickle lamp

I hope you have been inspired by the home office ideas.

Till next time

Becky x

Ideas for a stylish and practical home office



  1. Penny A Residence
    February 23, 2016 / 9:47 am

    You know how much I love your office! Have pinned – am about to sort mine out!

  2. February 22, 2016 / 10:55 pm

    Ah you’re workspace is lovely Becky, no wonder you’re such a prolific workhorse!

    Love that light you’ve shared too.


  3. The Mummy Diary
    February 17, 2016 / 8:09 am

    I love that lamp, so beautiful. I don’t have a desk, well the dining room table is mine, I would love one though and just need to convince hubby I we need one down stairs so I can be close to everything.

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