Home ยป What is Indoor Plant Hire?

What is Indoor Plant Hire?

What is indoor plant hire, do you know or or is this a new concept to you?


It is certainly a new concept to me and rather intriguing? Let’s explore the world of indoor plant hire.


Indoor Plant Hire

indoor plant hire


Gaddy’s is a plant hire company based in Sydney and they have 3 decades worth of experience in growing the very best plants and providing quality plant hire services. So actually this is not a new concept but a well established one. They have their own greenhouses full of gorgeous plants and a free consultation service too.

This is just the kind of company you want to work with when hiring plants – established and experienced.


Who uses indoor plant hire?

So, if you are reading this looking at your little pot of heartsease or aloe vera that you picked up at the garden centre, you may be wondering who exactly uses indoor plant hire and why would someone need someone else to provide their plants?



Typical customers for indoor plant hire include groups of people and places that need a number of plants and who perhaps only need them for a brief while or for certain events or occasions.

If you run a thriving business you have probably got enough to think to about rather than worrying about sourcing the ideal plants, arranging them, maintaining them and replacing them.

Here are just a few examples of the places and people who might take advantage of indoor plant hire:

  • Offices
  • Hotels
  • Wedding venues
  • Beauty therapists
  • Restaurants
  • Shopping malls
  • Event management companies
  • Hospitals
  • Stately Homes


What are the benefits of indoor plant hire?


indoor plant hire


There are a huge amount of benefits to hiring plants this way:

  • Primarily you would be in the hands of an expert when it comes to choosing plants right for the environment you are going to place them in. They will totally understand what it takes for these plants to thrive and look their best and the will know which ones will cope with the temperature/light and other environmental stressors that will act upon them
  • Most plant hire companies would provide free replacements should anything go wrong with your plants which bring s peace of mind ( especially if you are holding a specific event and need it to look absolutely perfect.)
  • Plants can (surprisingly) be really expensive and are also pretty fragile and on occasion, they do get damaged irretrievably. When you get your plants through plant hire you will want to make sure the company is well insured so that if a situation occurs with your plants, e.g they get damaged in transit or topple over or a branch gets accidentally knocked off then they have you covered.


So how does indoor plant hire work?

You would simply meet with a consultant, discuss your wants and wishes and make a plan. The experts at the plant hire service would give you options, costs and guidance.

It really is that simple.

But oh, it really can make surch a huge difference to a space to make it green and lush and vibrant with life.

It can be a great solution.


Would you consider hiring plants?


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