Home » Introducing Your Kids To Your New Dog: How To Create A Lifelong Bond

Introducing Your Kids To Your New Dog: How To Create A Lifelong Bond

Introducing Your Kids To Your New Dog.

There are a few things more exciting than bringing home a new dog. It comes with the promise of a new friend and the opportunity to make lifelong memories that will be treasured forever.

If you have children, you’re going to need to introduce them to this new arrival properly to ensure the transition is smooth. Check out the following tips for introducing your kids to your new dog and help them form a bond.


Introducing Your Kids To Your New Dog


Introducing Your Kids To Your New Dog -Take Things Slowly

Coming into a new home for the first time can be stressful for a dog. They’ll be in an unfamiliar environment and might feel anxious.

This anxiety will be magnified if the dog is meeting lots of new people at the same time and it might take longer for the dog to become acclimatised to the new environment.

For this reason, introduce your dog to your kids slowly and in incremental stages. On the first day, just let your kids interact with the dog for a few minutes and then when you notice the dog get less energetic, give your new pet some space.

As the days go by, you can gradually increase the level of interaction and the time spent together. This way, your dog won’t get overwhelmed and will be able to go at their own pace.


Keep an Adult Present at All Times

One of the most important things you can do when introducing your kids and your new dog is to make sure there is at least one adult present at all times. Young children may not understand how to interact with a dog, so it’s important that a parent is around to direct their interactions. Lead by example and the kids should learn how they should treat the dog too.


Avoid Strenuous Play

Once your dogs and your kids have become better acquainted, you can allow them to play more and more and with less supervision from yourself or your partner. However, it’s important that this play is gentle and doesn’t get too strenuous. Some breeds are prone to developing hip problems with too much exercise. Although it’s highly unlikely you might want to make sure the play doesn’t mean the dog is jumping around too much this can cause the condition to develop.

Another point about the type of play is to prevent other types of injuries. If you go too fast too soon, and try to teach the dog difficult tricks, the dog could get injured, and the bills aren’t cheap when you need to take the dog to the vet. On that note, whether it’s an injury or an illness, there are times when you may have to go to the vet, so that you don’t have to foot the bill for these types of situations, it’s worth checking out providers like Petsure, to get the right kind of cover for your new dog.


Pay Attention to Your Dog’s Body Language

While they can’t talk, dogs are still highly expressive animals and can convey their feelings and emotions through their body language.

First, look at your dog’s tail. A happy dog will have an upright, wagging tail. A scared or stressed dog will have their tail tucked in between their legs. If your dog’s tail looks like that, locate the source of their fear and remove it from the situation.

Observe your dog’s posture as well. A content and confident dog will be standing upright and leaning forwards, while a scared dog will be low to the ground and attempting to make itself look as small as possible.

Finally, pay attention to your dog’s facial expression. Baring teeth or growling is clear indication that the dog is stressed and likely to bite, while a dog showing the whites of its eyes can also be a sign of fear and anxiety. These tells can help you understand your new dog better and make sure you are taking the right steps with your new dog.  

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