I am delighted to introduce you to Karen Beddow from Mini Travellers who shares her most beautiful things with us this week at A Beautiful Space
Hi, I’m Karen and I blog at Mini Travellers. I am very close to 40 (having a bit of a crisis about it) am married to Matthew and and have three beautiful girls aged 6, 5 and 5 (identical twins). I’ve been blogging now for just over 3 years and last year swapped being a full time lawyer for more time and home and this crazy blogging life.
The most beautiful day I ever had was my wedding day. Whilst having my children was incredible I wouldn’t describe those days as beautiful as both were quite traumatic in different ways. My wedding on the other hand was the most wonderful day with all the most special people in my life.
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen was the sunrise at Annapurna Base Camp in Nepal, we had trekked for days to see it on our honeymoon and it was just perfect.
The most beautiful thing I have ever owned has to be a Mercedes SLK I bought when I was 30, newly single and had just had a promotion. I loved it. I sold it when I had the children and I don’t think I’ve had anything as beautiful/expensive since! I wouldn’t swap these beautiful three for any car in the world though obviously!
The most beautiful song I have ever heard is One Day Like This by Elbow. I just adore the lyrics and I walked back up the aisle to this song on my wedding day.
The most beautiful person I know is my husband. He is kind and generous and works incredibly hard to look after us all. He is a wonderful Father and whilst he can be grumpy at times, he has a heart of gold. Best not show him this it will go to his head!
The most beautiful thing about me is oh so difficult to say isn’t it. I think I would have to say that I try to always see the good in people. I’m annoyingly balanced sometimes and fair when sometimes people just want to rant!
Thankyou for sharing your beautiful things with us Karen and your gorgeous photos
Thank you for having me!