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How To Keep Organised At Home

Today – How To Keep Organised At Home

It’s bliss feeling organised – tidy home, tidy mind and all of that business. Keeping tidy is also a great way of getting to those events on time – if you know where everything is you’ll find you can just swish your way out of the door looking glamorous instead of tripping over trying to find shoes, bags and keys first.

How To Keep Organised At Home

How To Keep Organised At Home

So, how can you turn your house into an organised and efficient machine? First, get everyone in the house on board, there’s nothing worse than beginning your task of getting organised only for things to end up back how they were by your housemates or family. So, announce that the house is getting tidied and you’d appreciate everyone’s help and participation.

Have a good look around your home and decide on the places that need your attention the most. Some rooms just ask for clutter because of the layout of the furniture in there. As you’re looking you may notice that some of the big items, such as sofas, actually take up too much room. Have you considered moving some things into storage until you need them again? The saying goes, out of sight and out of mind but be sure to sell the items if you definitely won’t use them again, more cash and less clutter!

More ways to Keep Organised At Home

Once you’ve identified the rooms in the most desperate need of attention, decide whether it looks cluttered due to a lack of storage, or just the arrangement of the room. If you look into Feng Shui you’ll see that the more clutter you have then the less easily energy can travel through a room, leading to those feelings of disorganisation and irritability. If you’re not interested in Feng Shui then just excite yourself at the prospect of all that extra space!

After having a look at your house, have you realised some of the clutter just doesn’t have a home? Well, you need some storage and it’s time to get creative. Old wooden fruit boxes simply turned on their side and stacked up a wall can look just as effective, if not better, than buying a new shelving unit. There are lots of tutorials online where you can build yourself a magnificent new place to transfer your clutter and automatically make your house look tidier.

How To Keep Organised At Home

The ultimate organisation

For the ultimate organisation, as you’re working room by room, you should pick up a theme of clutter and consider labelling boxes with things like ‘Children’s Toys’, ‘Office Documents’, ‘Cleaning Utensils’ and so on and so forth. It’s also a good idea to take this level of organisation to the kitchen and invest in some jars and tubs for things like flour and pasta. You could even stack them up high on shelves to make room if you need it. It’s a fashionable and practical way to store food. It also reminds you to replace things when they’re running low because you can actually see them! This is the level you want to reach by the end of your sort out to ensure that the organisation sticks.


I hope you have found my post How To Keep Organised At Home to be useful – you may now like to read how to turn your clutter into cash

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