Home » 35 BEST Kindness Activities for Kids – Empathy & Compassion

35 BEST Kindness Activities for Kids – Empathy & Compassion

Kindness activities for kids are fun and a wonderful way to teach them one of life’s most important lessons. And honestly is anything more important than teaching your kids to be kind?

I really do not think so.



Kindness Activities for Kids

kindness activities for kids


Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.” – Harold S. Kushner


Kindness Activities for Kids


BEST Kindness Activities for Kids


Kindness is a goal for all parents that’s why we need empathy and compassion activities for kids

Parenting can be very divisive – many of us take different paths for each other and emphasize different qualities we would like our kids to develop. But when it comes to kindness parents are absolutely unified.

On this one thing we all undoubtedly agree Kindness Activities for Kids are really beneficial.


Kindness Activities for Kids


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We all want our kids to be their kindest selves.

My mum always told me it was absolutely what she wanted me to be when I grew up and she was determined to make it a huge part of our education. Kindness Activities for Kids were part of our each and every day this is why i am now so passionate to share them with outher children they are so shaping and transformative to socieety


TED talk on kindness & more ideas for Kindness Activities for Kids

Have a look at my short TEDx talk on How to Raise Kind Kids here and a whole host of Ted talks on kindness here




Kindness quotes book for kids 

and do check out my kindness quotes and affirmations book

kindness book for kids

packed with Kindness Activities for Kids and full of fun – an absolutely ideal stocking stuffer idea to keep your kids happy and giving all year long





Here are some  Kindness Activities for Kids you might want to introduce ….


Kindness Activities for Kids



Kindness Activities for Kids – Spreading kindness

It is a lovely thing to teach your kids to spread kindness in your community. These free printable idea cards give you a month’s worth of daily acts of kindness ideas. https://organized31.com/purposeful-daily-acts-of…/



Self kindness matters too in our Kindness Activities for Kids

We don want them only to be kind to others though although of course this will have a huge impact on their relationships in a very positive way . But  we also want them to understand self kindness and why it is so very important especially when times are tough.


Kindness Activities for Kids


You might also like my post on activities to help kids calm down


If Kids are Intrinsically Kind why do we need Kindness Activities for Kids?

If kids are intrinsically kind why do we need to teach them this stuff?

Well I do believe most kids are naturally kind but it can be confusing when you own interests and other people s are in conflict and kindness isn’t always the easy option. And of course even if kids are kind there is always a little room for improvement right?


Create Your own Kindness – A Book of Kindness Activities for Kids

My latest book is called Create Your Own Kindness and is published by Harper Collins.

It contains 50 kindness activities for kids age 6-12 and is full of entertainment , wishom and science

It is also absolutely beautifully illustrated by the very talented Claire Forrest.


Kindness Activities for Kids

packed with kindness activities for kids



Kindness Activities for Kids fill this book.

Create Your Own Kindness has 3 sections, kindness towards yourself , others and to the world. It contains tai-chi, baking, lava lamps , mandalas and so many more Kindness Activities for Kids

How much better would the world be if everyone was kind to each other? 

Create your own kindness encourages kids to be kind to themselves, other people and the world around them. It makes a beautiful gift for kids and will definitely keep them busy with kindness activities

kindness activities



“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams


Kindness Activities for Kids

Kindness Activities for Kids


More kindness activities for kids

Let’s take a look at some more kindness activities for kids and ways to teach compassion and empathy – you will never regret time spent on such activities and they will help your children grow and blossom in so many ways that you will always be truly grateful for. 


An advent calendar of kindness

Give your kids this lovely Kindness Advent Calendar   to colour in and create – what a lovely way to start the season! 


Random Acts of Kindness Activities for Kids

This bumper 100 acts of kindness challenge for kids is an absolutely BRILLIANT way to get them thinking about home to be kinder and putting it into action. You can download the challenge her and colour in the stars after each acts is completed .

Such a sweet idea and these make brilliant prompts for kindness activities for kids



Kindness Activities for Kids



Hello cards – Cute kindness activities school or home

Do you like getting snail mail. I do – it makes my heart sing out loud!

Nothing is nicer than knowing someone has been thinking of you and has take the time to drop you a card

Oh how I love these hello cards 




Downloadable kindness activities for kids

These lovely free kindness for kids  activities printables from crafts on sea make cute kindness activities for kids and are so lovely for them to send to friends or family or neighbours. Gorgeous! 

Do you think that your child would enjoy having a go at coloring these in/ I think I would actually rather enjoy it myself. I would use all the brightest colours! 


Rainbow Kindness Activities – kindness activities for kindergarten

I adore this rainbow kindness craft.

Inspired by a sweet book it really is so pretty and an absolutely lovely way for kids to bring kind words into focus. They will definitely want to hang this up and keep being inspired by it to bring more kindness into the world


Kindness Activities for Kids


Arty Kindness Activities for Kids


Care in the community – More Kindness activities for kids to teach Empathy & Compassion

How about encouraging your kids to send a care home resident a letter or a card to brighten their day/ Here is how you can do this over at Kiddycharts



Kate’s son asked for litter pickers for his birthday so they could pick up litter as they walk to breakfast club how fabulous!
You can get hold of your own litter pickers here
Kindness activities can be such a boost to the community and can be great fun for kids to take apart in – they can also be lovely class ideas and a wonderful way to pull a school project together/ Littler picking can also be a brilliant family activity and give a great purpose to a walk.



Love Clips Kindness Activities for kids

Love clips are the sweetest of ways to be kind, leaving a little surprise note for some one to find clipped to a pillow or a milk bottle or wherever you can attach a clothespin. here is a template for a child to make their own love clips

Kindness Activities for Kids



“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart


Friendship & kindness

friendship is one of the key components of being happy in life and it is vital we help our children to thrive in this area of their social development

This free printable book is all about how to choose friends that are good for you and how to be good friend in return. Treating other people and yourself kindly is a huge part of that! https://www.kitchentableclassroom.com/printable…/




“Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin


Do encourage your kids to be good friends it reaps so many rewards for them too.


Read all about kindness activities for kids

One activity could be reading a book about kindness. Here are some fabulous choices. https://fluxingwell.com/kindness-books-for-kids/

Do also check out my pown huge list on this blog of the best kindness books for kids


Kindness Activities for Kids include Kindness rocks 

You can add a bit of cheer to someone’s day with these simple fruit painted kindness rocks.

Kindness Activities for Kids


and take a look here for another example of how to make kindness rocks in this fab tutorial which includes hand lettering single words onto rocks. Such cute kindness activities for kids



Fabric collage kindness activities for kids

Perhaps a child cold make a fabric collage for a friend or family member with some simple sewing. You can find out much more about fabric collage and storytelling through fabric here..it can be very therapeutic


Kindness Spinner

Sarah-Marie made a kindness Spinner with her Brownies to encourage them to do random acts of kindness for others.
You spin the arrow in the middle and it will land on the name of a person. You simply need to do something kind for that person. It’s a fun way to encourage the girls to be kind, or as the Brownie Law says “to think of others before yourself and do a good turn every day”

Kindness Activities for Kids


Kindness Wands

Oh I think this activity for kindness wands is just SO cute.  These are  English, Chinese, and Korean,  They make wonderful gifts for birthdays valentines or just because.

If your child would like to make a heart wand as one of the kindness activities for kids and spread some love then you can find the tutorial and free printable by following the link.




Making an Origami Heart (kindness art activities for preschoolers)

This easy origami heart is one of my favourite  kindness activities kids to make and a lovely gift for kids to give to their pals and crafting just puts into the happiest of moods combining flow, mindfulness and a sense of pride and raised seldf-esteem)

Check out this fun and easy tutorial at the ever wonderful kids craft vlog Red Ted Art 



Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” – Lao Tzu


and how about these gorgeous little friendship rocks also from Red Ted Art – kindness activities for kids can result in the sweetest of gifts 



Gratitude and kindness activities for kids



Gratitude is a really important part of kindness and making a gratitude journal  can be such a fun and rewarding activity for kids and grown ups 


Kindness writing prompts – Gorgeous kindness activities for kids who love to write

Some kid really do love to write and explore ideas this way and these writing prompts will really help them to give kindness the focus and attention it deserves. i love them.

You can find the kindness writing prompts here




Being Kind to the Birds – nature based kindness activities for kids

Encouraging kids to undertake activities that encourage them to be kind to nature is a delight. This pine cone bird feeder craft is a fun and simple craft that also teaches kids to empathise with and take care of our natural world. 





Kindness Advent – Christmas Kindness Activities for Kids

Over at Hodge Podge Days, Jane shared a 24  day Christmas Kindness advent It consists of a list of sweet activities the whole family can get involved in to spread more kindness in the run up to Christmas




Penguin love coupons

Take  look at these sweet printable  penguin love coupons the perfect way to gift a huge a hot chocolate or a movie night and share a little kindness here and there. Kids will love to print these off and fill them in ( they cost nothing too!) 


Kindness Activities for Kids

Love coupons are brilliant Kindness Activities for Kids


But what is kindness and why does it matter?

Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care are words that are associated with kindness. You can read  more here about why it is so very important that we teach and share kindness activities for kids


be kind


Kindness Seeds – teaching compassion activities

Planting kindness seeds is a fun and sweet activity for kids  that reminds them how kindness always grows



Handmade cards

Handmade cards are a beautiful thing for kids to make and to share  with others sending a compliment or a message of thanks or love. Take a look at this free card printable for a really special heart card idea – perfect for valentines or any time!



Compliment cards

I absolutely love the idea of spreading compliment cards around the community letting people know just how very special they are. You can find your free printable here. Let’s spread some good vibes! 



Parenting goals 

So there you go some lovely kindness activities for kids to teach them empathy and compassion, friendship, giving and gratitude.

Parenting goals for us all I think and going into a new year what could possibly more important than being kind to each other. I really cannot possibly think of anything at all! 



Whether you’re a teacher or a parent, when it comes to teaching children any academic skill, you would team up the textbooks and theoretical material with some actionable projects and activities- right? Guess what? The same approach is what works when it comes to helping children understand and shape their social and emotional skills too.

So if you’re planning to teach your kids the values of kindness, empathy and compassion, doing it through activities could be a good approach.


Here are a few more lovely kindness activities for kids for you to try 


Kindness Jar

Having a family kindness jar is one of the simplest ways to make practising kind deeds a ritual and an effortless task for everyone, including children. Place a special jar in the living room- you could get your kids to decorate it the way they want to- and label it the kindness jar.

Ask everyone to write out random acts of kindness, each on tiny sheets of paper, fold them and put them in the kindness jar. This fun activity can promote acts of kindness in everyone in the family, which makes it a win-win situation- right?

Another cool idea is to fill it up with small pieces of different candy, and every time someone in the house does a kind deed, they could take a piece of candy from it, or the kids could offer the candy to someone as an act of kindness itself.

Kindness activities for kids can be sweet (pun intended) and  oh! this is a great idea for kindness games for kindergarten.


kindness activities for kids


Appreciation Box

Having an appreciation box in your house is again a great way to encourage your children to be more kind and loving individuals.

Decorate a simple box and label it as the appreciation box, create a small slit on the top to allow small pieces of paper to be dropped in, and then get your kids to, write down one thing or person that they appreciate in their life, and are grateful for, and then drop the paper into the box.

This is a lot similar to a gratitude jar, and is a great way to raise younger children into more positive, loving, kind and compassionate individuals, and help them become less entitled and expect instant gratification when they grow up into adults.


kindness activities for kids


Kindness Calendar filled with kindness activities for kids

This is exactly what it seems like- just pick up a simple calendar from a gift store and fill up each day of the month with one simple act of kindness that you could get your kids to do. Then, your kids could cross the days off from the calendar as each act of kindness gets completed, or color that square in the color of their choice.

Keep the acts simple- such as giving a high-five to a classmate or giving someone a compliment- saying thank you , even sharing a kindness quote with a friend – you get the drill.



Kindness Tree Kindness Activities for Kids – a being kind activity

And here’s another way to celebrate and encourage helpful acts in children. You can either print out an empty tree with just branches on a sheet of paper and name it the kindness tree, or pick up an actual tree figurine from a local craft store- preferably one without leaves.

For every act of kindness that you spot your kid doing, a charm or ribbon or  a special something can be added to the tree.


Voluntary Work – organised kindness activities for kids

One of the best ways to get kids to learn kindness and inculcate the values of compassion and empathy in them is to make good deeds a family affair, and what could be a better way to do just that than volunteering?

Look up a local place or centre where all of you could serve together, or if not, every once in a while, you could encourage your kids to help an elderly person out with something, or donate one of their favorite toys or pieces of clothing to someone needy.

You could also get together as a family on a weekend and prepare a nice meal and distribute it to the less fortunate. There are just tons of ways you can make this happen.




Kindness Cards

Kindness cards are another fun activity to get your kids to try out. The next time someone acts kind to them and makes them feel good, ask them to sit down and create  a small flashcard depicting the act of kindness and how it made them feel. Ask them to fill it up with color and draw on it. have them keep these in a lovely kindness scrapbook 

This way, they’ll remember how important it is to return the favour one day, and will also help them get ideas and inspirations about acts they could do for others.


Keep on rocking that kindness message kids! Sweet Kindness art for toddlers





Now it is over to you for your  ideas

Does kindness matter to you as a parent?

I am 100% sure that it does  and that you will be enchanted by these lovely crafts and by just so keen to introduce them to your children. Role modelling is everything so do make sure your kids catch you being kind to others (and to yourself) as much as possible

Being kind, being a good friend – well it is everything right now isn’t it (and always) 


“‘Why did you do all this for me?’ he asked. ‘I don’t deserve it. I’ve never done anything for you.’

‘You have been my friend,’ replied Charlotte. ‘That in itself is a tremendous thing.'”


“The Rainbow Fish shared his scales left end right. And the more he gave away, the more delighted he became. When the water around him filled with glimmering scales, he at last felt at home among the other fish.”


kind pals


Further reading 

If you enjoyed this post on kindness activities for kids you might also like my post on quotes about kindness for kids

or this post on socially distanced kindness activities for kids

Simple ways to help kids be happy with life

and I will be back to share soon some fabulous  kindness activities for students,


Kindness Activities for Kids


Create your own kindness  – a book packed with kindness activities for kids

Get your copy now for 50 science backed and full of fun kindness activities



These Kindness Activities for Kids are perfect for schools, home schooling and parents and ideally suited for under 12’s 


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