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Living like my Grandma

Living like my Grandma

In my 20’s I used my tumble drier all the time. I raced in my car to big supermarkets and piled the convenience food high. I bought cheap throwaway fashion that lasted a season or two.

I was working as social worker and training to be a psychotherapist at the time I  thought I could change the world and help heal it but I wasn’t even taking care of the world I lived in during my day to day life.I thought everything else was far more important

I know none of these actions was very green or supportive of the local economy but I was ‘busy busy busy.’

Not a good reason at all on reflection but it was how I lived then.

My grandma’s view of the world  was that you should:


use it up, Living like my Grandma

Living like my Grandma


Now I know why.

In my 30’s along came children a and a HUGE break from working 9-5 and a big adjustment to our budget.


Living like my Grandma

Out of necessity, I became more resourceful. As time went on I began to see the world I wanted for my children involved an earth that was protected and nurtured, a flourishing local community, one filled with good clean food, open spaces, lots of time.

Basically, I slowed down too and started to care in more practical ways. I began to live a little more as my Grandma had advised.

This week I bought a basket, isn’t it a beauty?


basket flowers, Living like my Grandma


Living like my Grandma with a basket

It cost £6 from a Cancer Research charity shop.  I love charity shops these days, they support both recycling and good causes

The basket is so I don’t need plastic carrier bags, so I don’t but too much when I wander to my local shops. It will last for years. It probably has already lasted for years. It is natural and it is beautiful. It is a sign that I am slowing down, thinking more, taking more care in lots of ways.

I have quite romantic visions for me and this basket too, picnics in the sunshine we a sweet cloth laid on top, delivering home made soaps or jams to friends in it. I envision it lasting a lifetime and being passed on to my kids.

Lisi has her eye on it already.

Little  Red Riding Hood thinks is it will be great for her next dress up too! The flowers just kept on falling out the last one it wasn’t half as good as this one!



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