Home ยป The Love Sculpture

The Love Sculpture

The Love Sculpture at Eden hall is rather special.

Sorry its not a great photo but I just had to show it you anyway because I think the sculpture really is  just lovely!

This week I was reviewing Eden Hall Day Spa (which is glorious) and set in the most wonderful Nottinghamshire countryside. I always have such a heavenly time at Eden Hall relaxing and being pampered it makes me really open to beauty around me. Don’t you find these when you are at your most relaxed and your sense of wellbeing is high? maybe it’s because are minds are less ‘busy’

As I was leaving I glimpsed this gorgeous love statue and it really touched me. Just a quick snap as we were hurrying to do the school run and I think I was still fast walking as I took it..but I hope the subtle sweetness of this sculpture remains.


The Love Sculpture

How they curve towards each other and the gentle resting of the foreheads is just beautiful. makes me feel that love is a resting place a bond of two seperate people who feel at peace with each other. How this love sculpture just really warmed my heart.

I think it captures love perfectly. How amazing  the power of a simple stone.

love sculpt





  1. OneDad3Girls
    January 11, 2015 / 8:52 pm

    Love this statue, it feels very calming

    Thank you for linking up

  2. January 11, 2015 / 4:50 pm

    What a beautiful sculpture…..So unusual x

  3. Coombe Mill
    January 11, 2015 / 3:26 pm

    What a beautiful sculpture, it’s very well deisgned.

  4. Merlinda (@pixiedusk)
    January 11, 2015 / 2:16 pm

    Aww that’s so romantic! Thanks for sharing =) #mysundayphoto

  5. MyLifeMyLove
    January 11, 2015 / 7:11 am

    Gosh, what a lovely sculpture. I bought my mum and stepdad something similar for their wedding anniversary. #mysundayphoto x

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