Home » Why you should make The 52 List

Why you should make The 52 List

I have just read an interesting little book called The 52 List by Lizzie Jones.

I just loved the idea behind it; creating time for, enjoying and celebrating the small stuff  in life(which of course when you look back is the important stuff.)

Basically you create a to do list of things that

1) you can achieve within a day at the most

2) it is filled with lovely things you actually want to do

How much better is that than a list of  big ideas you will probably not achieve or one full of boring jobs that you really doesn’t want to do.  I know what kind of list I would prefer.

Lizzie’s book explains how this can make you happy and the basic (very simple rules) to creating your list. She also very helpfully includes some ideas to get you started .  The idea is you do one thing off the list each week of the year. Not expensive big things but small, feel good, simple things to make you smile.

The book focuses for a while on depression in the middle which to be honest I felt a bit misplaced. But I can see that these lists would help you feel focused, purposeful and happy.

I am inspired by this idea and do plan to make my own 52 list very soon ( I will even come back and share it here)

Some ideas I have already are….

Make my own perfume ( I already have the kit but haven’t ever opened it)


Have a pedicure (never had one would be lovely)

Go to the cinema and watch 2 films in a row (that are not kids films) surrounded by popcorn and chocolate


Go on a bread making workshop (I love bread)


Meet some of my bestie blogger pals  for tea in a posh London hotel .

Organise my photo albums

I do think it would be rather lovely to achieve all the above  and they are definitely worthy of a to do list …..

What would go on your list?

The 52 list is available from Amazon in paperback or on kindle


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